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Jake Roggenbuck
Jake Roggenbuck

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What's your favorite Go web framework?

I've used Gin-Gonic and Fiber a lot. Both have been great! I'm interested in knowing what other developers like to use.

Please feel free to share what you use!


Top comments (9)

syxaxis profile image
George Johnson • Edited

Gin-gonic is still one of my favs but I recently start playing with Echo as a backend framework, pretty neat, supposedly faster than GG and driven towards a smaller footprint.

( OT, I do a lot of cmd line tooling, so Bubble-Tea is my go-to for ANSI style tooling while I'm writing testers, utils and other tools. )

jakeroggenbuck profile image
Jake Roggenbuck

I'll check out Echo, thanks! Yea, Bubble-Tea is so great to work with!

onyechiriches profile image
OnyechiRiches • Edited

Currently, my go-to web framework is Astrojs. It's Quite fast and feels like the perfect blend of HTML, CSS, and JS with the perks of frameworks, without the slow loading speeds. Definitely check it out!

kaamkiya profile image

I don't know if it's a framework; I think it's just a library, called Chi.

I love it because it's minimal. Most of what it does is just easier routing and middleware, and the rest is up to you. It also has no external dependencies, which is great.

The repo and the website.

jakeroggenbuck profile image
Jake Roggenbuck

This looks cool! I'll try it out! Thanks!

georgeberdovskiy profile image
George Berdovskiy

Hugo is pretty convenient! Using it for my personal website right now 😎

kwnaidoo profile image
Kevin Naidoo

Initially Gin-Gonic, but these days "Echo". Has a nice set of middleware like CSRF which makes life a little easier.

I also pair this with "Air" for hot reload.

jakeroggenbuck profile image
Jake Roggenbuck

Yup, Air is great!

7h33mp7ym4n profile image

Gin all the way 😊

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