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Why is Python so Slow?

Why is Python so slow, I know a lot of people expect me to shit all over Python but that's not what this post is all about sure I could talk about how stupid it's for having indentation instead of curly braces, or the ugly, built-in global functions. and don't even get me started on all the multiple Python versions. but I'm not even going to mention it. cause at the end of the day Python is still a beloved programming language for its readability, vast libraries, and beginner-friendly syntax.

However, what most developers don't know is that Python can take a backseat to languages like C++ when it comes to raw speed. But why exactly is this the case? Well, that's why you are here.

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Before talking about why Python is so slow, I feel it's important to know just how slow Python is Compared to other programming languages. An easy way would be to write a function that counts from one to one billion and track how long each language takes to complete the task. let's say we decide to use C++ and Python for this. well assuming all parameters are the same it would take 2.6 seconds for the C++ code and 1 minute 53 seconds for the Python code approximately 50 times slower. There's

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But why exactly is this the case? Let's dive into the three main reasons:

1 Interpretation vs Compilation

Unlike compiled languages that are converted directly into machine code, Python is interpreted. This means the code is executed line by line instead of translating into machine code before executing, adding an extra layer of processing compared to pre-compiled instructions. There are plenty of tests out there but this paints a clear picture

Faster development cycle: Changes in the code are reflected immediately without recompiling.
Portability: Interpreted code can run on any machine with the interpreter installed, regardless of the underlying architecture.

Generally slower: The translation overhead adds extra processing time compared to pre-compiled machine code.
Limited control: Less control over memory management and hardware interaction compared to compiled languages.

2 Dynamic Typing

Python is dynamically typed, meaning variable data types are determined at runtime. While this offers flexibility, it requires extra checks during execution to ensure data compatibility whereas Statically typed languages, where types are declared upfront, can be optimized more efficiently.

Benefits of Dynamic Typing:

Rapid Prototyping: You can experiment with different data types without worrying about type declarations, allowing for quicker exploration during development.

Drawbacks of Dynamic Typing:

Potential Performance Overhead: Runtime type checks can add a slight overhead compared to statically typed languages where types are known beforehand.

3 Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Python's GIL ensures only one thread can execute Python bytecode at a time. This prevents race conditions (multiple threads trying to modify data simultaneously) but limits true parallel processing capabilities.

What is the GIL?

Imagine a playground with a single swing. The GIL is like that swing – only one person(thread) can be on it (executing Python bytecode) at a time. Even if you have a fancy playground with multiple swings (multiple CPU cores), the GIL restricts threads to take turns on a single one.

Impact of the GIL:

Limits True Parallelism: Python programs can't fully use multi-core processors for CPU-bound tasks because only one thread can execute Python bytecode at a time.


Now, before you completely write off Python for performance-critical tasks, here's the truth of the matter

Speed Isn't Always King. Often, development speed and programmer productivity outweigh raw execution time. Python's ease of use can lead to faster development cycles. while optimizations and Libraries techniques like profiling (identifying bottlenecks) and using optimized libraries like NumPy for numerical computing can significantly improve Python's performance.
Also in the case of multiprocessing, While the GIL limits true multithreading, Python offers multiprocessing, where separate processes can leverage multiple cores for tasks that can be broken down independently.

Extras ✨
As some of you could have guessed I'm pretty new to this writing not coding and I write about whatever idea pops into my head I'm pretty sure this is probably my third blog post ever so I would appreciate some feedback. Just make sure they are constructive nothing about my height or the fact I'm still single

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