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F/OSS Spotlight: 🧑‍💻 Zuul

Zuul (code) helps your team stop merging broken code -- the best kind of gatekeeping.

In a world where most people use GitHub Actions or GitLab CI (fantastic tools in their own right) and call it a day, there are enlightened beings out there who seek out CI systems that fully gatekeep commits alltogether. That's Zuul.

Zuul Homepage

Zuul is used by huge organizations like Ampere, Redhat, OVHCloud, and OpenStack, and trusted by many more. Zuul even runs on Volvos, according to an article from ZDNet.

What's important is that Zuul gates your codebase, whereas other tools sometimes let faulty commits go through. Unfortunately there's a bit of a name collision with Netflix Zuul gateway service, but that's awesome F/OSS for another day.

If you're ready to give another CI system a try, check out Zuul.

This was originally posted on AWSM FOSS

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