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Bas Steins
Bas Steins

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7 Actionable Diet Tips for Developers

I experimented a lot with dietary choices over the last two years. Here is what I found working to improve my energy during the day.

Intermittent Fasting

I skip breakfasts. It's hard for the first couple of days but increases my energy so much and eliminates the afternoon low. I aim for an eating window between 6 and 8 hours each day.

Add veggies to each meal

The more veggies I eat, the less space I have for crap food. So, my diet does not feel like a restriction but rather quality choices

Avoid sugar

I try to avoid sugar as much as I can – I realized it really exaggerates energy levels from high to low. For consistent energy levels, I eat carbs from whole grains mostly

Eat good fat

I try to avoid deep-fried food as it contains lots of trans fats. Instead, I try to choose healthier fats like olive oil.

Make a ritual

I can recommend making one meal or snack a ritual. For me, it's a cup of kefir before bedtime with a boiled egg or some avocado slices. I really enjoy it!

Stay hydrated

When I feel hungry, I'm most likely more thirsty than hungry. I drink a lot of water over the day and make sure I always have a full glass on my desk

Don't exaggerate

There are probably more self-help books about dieting than about any other topic. I was trapped in the rabbit hole for a long time. Pick some advice and then follow it 80% Cravings are ok, don't overstretch your discipline. Enjoyment is part of the process

Making healthy choices is important if you spend most of the day in front of a screen

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Top comments (2)

pintovsa profile image

Hello, quite an interesting article, but here's what I'm interested in. Tell me, does anyone know if it’s good to take olive oil for your diet?

taijidude profile image

Important Topic! Struggle with it a Lot.