DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

Posted on

How many computer devices do you own?

Computers, phones, tablets, etc.

How many of them do you use to develop software?

Top comments (113)

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦
  • Macbook Air 2012
  • Macbook Air 2013
  • Macbook Pro 2011
  • Macbook Prr 2019
  • Custom build Hackintosh
  • Surface Tablet 3
  • iPad Pro
  • 3 Echo Dots
  • Amazon Fire tablet
  • Samsung Galaxy A5 (primary)
  • iPhone 8 (development)

All I can recall right now.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Macbook Air 2012
Macbook Air 2013
Macbook Pro 2011
Macbook Prr 2019
Custom build Hackintosh
Surface Tablet 3

How may of these do you use regularly?

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

All of them. I have a lack of required devices.
I don't like having to carry my computer to various rooms
and so I have them set up around the house.

Some have specializations but mostly its and redundancy and convenience.

I have a lack of charges. Wiener dogs have chewed through a few.

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Awesome! This is a life I could definitely live. I'd also read a post on some of the details of managing your config across devices, your cloud, etc.

I have a lack of charges. Wiener dogs have chewed through a few.

Ruby did the same with one of mine recently, but how can I stay mad at that face?


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andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦

I run my dev environments in Cloud9.

I store most files shared on my network to my Hackintosh
which has terabytes of storage.

I make great use of Google Drive

I have paid version of Dashlane.

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern


lostintangent profile image
Jonathan Carter

Do you just have a single dev environment in Cloud9? Or multiple? I’d be interested to hear the details of your setup, since I’m imagining you push as much state to the cloud as possible, so that this multi machine setup is seamless 😁

Also, are you using all of these machines for work? Or a mix of work and personal?

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown 🇨🇦 • Edited

I have a Cloud9 environment for each project.
Cloud9 has limitations which are unfortunate.

I wish I could use Cloud9 with CloudFormation to provision tens of servers at once for the purpose of teaching but it's not possible as AWS has heavily neglected Cloud9 automation where you can only automate the creation of Amazon Linux Cloud9 environment with no way of running a script afterwards. Amazon Liunx has problems and so I can't even automate that step having to manually use the console to spin up Ubuntu environments.

Every intern and dev at ExamPro has a Cloud9 environment and it saves us so much time.
No worries having to figure out docker, no full days lots because your dev environment broke.

We wrote a bash script which setups the dev environment. It has to manually run, but at least it's only 1 action.

I have Cloud9 env for every project that I work on. Since servers only run when you use them I'm not too worried about multiple instances running at the same time.

I'm seeing more IDE services spin up but I can't justify the subscription costs where Cloud9 is so inexpensive. If one of these IDEs can match the same functionality as Cloud9 I would strongly consider architecting my only solution so I can automate setting or rebuilding environments

We attempted to connect Cloud9 to ECS but it simply was not possible.

downey profile image
Tim Downey • Edited

I just use a cluster of Raspberry Pis. 😂

In all seriousness, I use the following regularly for coding in this order:

dabrorius profile image
Filip Defar

Hackintosh :O It's still a thing, I can't believe I forgot about them. I had one back in college while there was no way I could afford an actual Mac. I'd love to build one again though, from scratch with all the right components. Just seeing your boxes makes me want to assemble one. I think I have a new (old?) hobby.

israelmuca profile image
Israel Muñoz

My last Hackintosh was built several years ago, I've been meaning to do one again as well! Except I've been looking for a good laptop that can be made into a hackintosh... no luck there yet... :/

peter profile image
Peter Kim Frank
  • MacBook Pro 2015
  • iPhone X
  • Amazon Fire Tablet

The Fire Tablet has been a real star. Very inexpensive relative to an iPad (I bought mine on Prime Day) and it fulfills my basic needs of reading and video for traveling.

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

My SO is wearing her Fire Tablet into the ground. Was really hoping for USB-C on the new model so it wouldn't be the only non-USB-C device in our house 😞

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

MacBook Pro. That’s it for 99% of the time.
I also have an iPhone, but use it mostly for reading these very articles in the morning, the rest of the day I tuck it away into a drawer because all the chit chat from messages is really distracting.
And I have a Kindle chock full of books and guides that I use as reference sometimes.

desi profile image

I've cut way way back, but it's still a little out of control.

  • MacBook Pro 2016(?)
  • iPad 2018
  • iPad Mini 2013
  • Chromebook
  • iPhone 8+
  • iPhone 6 (not in use, but it's laying around, so I think it counts)

If we're counting my partner's gear as well, it gets really nuts.

  • Lenovo Yoga (I use this as well for Windows/PC testing)
  • Chromebook
  • Kindle Fire
  • Android Tablet 1
  • Android Tablet 2
  • Essential phone
natonathan profile image
Nathan Tamez
  • Echo Dot
  • Google Home
  • 2018 MacBook Pro
  • Custom Build Desktop (win 10)
  • iPad Pro 10.5"
  • iPhone X
  • Samsung Galaxy S6 edge (maybe broken tho, not been used for a while)
  • iPod touch (the last generation released)

I try to use most of them for testing and debugged at least.

jackharner profile image
Jack Harner 🚀

Old, pretty shitty Dell Laptop running Windows 10 (only use it for Adobe products).

Old, slightly less shitty HP Desktop running Ubuntu (main Dev machine).

Old, very shitty iPad 2(?) (reading things on the toilet).

Old, very shitty Galaxy S5 (occasionally testing mobile).

I need some new hardware. 😂

sleepyfran profile image
Fran González

Right now a MacBook Pro mid2015, iPhone 7, iPad 2018, Apple Watch Series 4 and I just bought a 2019 iMac. I only use the MBP and iMac for development, though I sometimes read dev books on my iPad, if that counts!

tekgy profile image
Chris Averill

How's the new iMac? I have one from 2017 and love it, but I'm looking to upgrade as I got the minimum specs.

sleepyfran profile image
Fran González

Just saw this! I don't have another iMac to compare but it's been a HUGE performance difference from my MBP, mainly because the processor in my MBP is a dual core and I got the 9th generation i5 (which has 6 cores) on the iMac. I suppose that if you have the minimum specs and you're looking for an upgrade it'll probably be a good buy since you can upgrade the RAM yourself and save a loooot of money.

yamalight profile image
Tim Ermilov • Edited
  • Macbook Pro 15" 2015 (primarily used for work and travels)
  • PC desktop (primarily used for gaming, but also streaming and a bit of work)
  • Honor 9 Android phone (if it wasn't for totally garbo camera - I'd actually be happy with it)
  • iPad Pro (very handy for travels where I know I won't need to develop stuff)
  • Oculus Quest (that also counts as computer device, right? 😂)

I've seen some people include some other devices, so here we go:

  • Chromecast (because it makes it incredibly easy to watch stuff on my TV)
  • PS4 (to play exclusives once or twice a year 😅)
  • Switch (irreplaceable travel companion)
kmarcini profile image
Kevin Marciniak

~~ Development ~~
2015 13" MacBook Pro
2018 Mac mini
2019 iPad mini
iPhone X
2nd-Gen iPad Pro - I don't use this as often since getting the iPad mini

For gaming, I use a custom built PC. And a Nintendo Switch.

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y
  • Desktop Powerhouse (the only one I develop on)
  • MacBook Air 2014
  • Android Tablet
  • iPhone
  • DumbTV
  • SemiSmart Amplifier
  • PS4

I used to own a whole bunch more, but I'll say they all belong to my kids now.

washingtonsteven profile image
Steven Washington
  • Macbook Pro (x2 if you count work-provided computers)
  • Windows Desktop
  • Galaxy S7
  • iPad Mini

I've done work on all of those, though the S7 and iPad Mini have mostly been used for writing and taking notes rather than actual coding (I tried on the iPad once, it wasn't great).

picocreator profile image
Eugene Cheah

active use - owned personally

Macbook pro 2014
main work laptop, refuse to upgrade to "new" macbook pro. Probably planning a linux replacement this year.

Intel i7-4770, 32 GB ram, gtx 1080
"gaming" PC - a real waste, considering how rarely I end up gaming the past few years, and the type of games I play, like factorial, =x

Used in random benchmarks like

3U Server : E5-2660 xeon (x2), 256 GB ram, lots of storage
Personal storage archive, and used as a personal experimental platform for many things server/infrastructure related.

Increasingly being used as a "remote dev" server, as part of my long term plan to drop my macbook pro. And get a "dumb client" - making all my changes via SSH (or something else)

Samsung S8
Primary communication phone. My general phone replacement policy is still its death, so about 2 more years i guess?

iPad mini (2015??)
Tablet for entertainment and mobile games, and general surfing of web.

inactive use

  • about 4 laptops of various age / generation
  • probably enough spare parts to assemble 1 PC and a decent Server
murtezayesil profile image
Ali Murteza Yesil

2 laptops, 2 phones, 1 smart (enough) watch

  1. Lenovo Ideapad 110 Solus 64bit, AMD A8 APU x4, 8GB RAM (7GB usable) My primary machine. Used for everything from Java to diary, gaming to web surfing. I finished GTA5 on this thing.
  2. Sony Vaio (2007) Manjaro 32bit, Intel Pentium x2, 1GB RAM My testing :cough: victim :cough: machine.
  3. MI Note 4 Lineage OS 15, 4GB RAM I used this for learning Android development but I am not focused on that right now. You know why @ben 😉
  4. Sony Xperia XA1 Stock ROM, I guess 3GB RAM Mostly entertainment Story: My father sent me his this phone after I informed him that I dropped my MI Note 4 off my pocket at a restaurant when traveling between cities. I lost hope for Note4 to return back but driver asked about it, found and returned it. Now I have 2 phones.
  5. MI Band HRX I use this for liveware development
amielucha profile image
Sławek Amielucha

TL;DR Several; Mostly one.

Does that PC with removed GPU counts? What about that Raspberry PI. And the other one without an SD card (that I'll definitely use for that project I had in mind 5 years ago!) There's my PS3, Vita, and PS4. Technically the Samsung TV is a computer device. So is the Android TV dongle. Should I count the old Motorola with a cracked screen and the iPhone that doesn't charge anymore but one day might if I bother to change the battery? Or my Canon EOS with a custom ROM that can play mini games?

Related question: how many digital camera sensors (CCD or CMOS) do you have in your household?

I remember the day I got my first webcam. A digital camera! It could capture the picture (240p or so), and you didn't have to bring the film to the store and wait a day or two for them to print your pics (just so you can realize you didn't exactly match the camera settings with the film ISO so they all ended up too dark, but that's another story.)

Now your phone has at least 3 cameras.