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Rachel Fazio for CodeNewbie

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What is the best advice you have ever received?: CodeNewbie Podcast

Happy almost weekend to some of y'all! We are back with CodeNewbie Podcast, our little corner of DEV where we share weekly interviews with tech professionals to give you supportive advice to further your development career.

Last week we released our second episode of this season with Chelsea Kaufman, Founder and CEO of LEARN Academy. In this episode we chatted about the founding of Chelsea's company, the role of AI in the future, and the current landscape for bootcamps.

PSSST: If you'd like to listen, get into it!

Or find it wherever you find your podcasts.

At the end of every episode we have four main questions for our guests. You'll have to tune in to hear the full answers, but in the meantime, let's hear what Chelsea had for us!

This week's question is: "What is the best advice you've ever received?"

To keep it short and sweet (and spoiler free), Chelsea shared with us:

“Be curious without fear...

I think curiosity is what builds this...

We just want to learn, and question, and be curious”

So without further ado, let me know in the comments the best advice you've ever received.

See ya next Wednesday with a new episode.

Top comments (3)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

I shared a LinkedIn post few months back, on the same topic.
Here's how it goes:

The best piece of advice I ever received.

An angel investor once told me, "Anmol, work for free for 1-3 years," after that, people won't be able to catch up to you.

Sounds crazy, right?
Truth be told. I was not sure at that time.

It's not the same as free charity work.
It's about doing your thing without expecting anything in return.

That's a bad thing, right?

It's a very long post so read it on LinkedIn.


wolfblast profile image

my teacher said to us the class just play with it until you feel comfortable.

jordantylerburchett profile image
Jordan Tyler Burchett

Its not advice I heard just something I've come to terms with on my own and a small standard I set for myself is "Keep a busy mind"

The way I see it a busy mind doesn't have time to be depressed or to worry too much about negative influences in the world. Keeping a straight focus on goals and keeping a clear mind are essential in progressive development.

Happy Venturing!