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Kornelia O'Doherty
Kornelia O'Doherty

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Moving From Manual To Automation Testing at a Small Company

Obstacles of moving from manual to automation testing

  • Too busy running manual tests
  • Put automation off until the "next release."
  • Company culture is not open to change
  • Company is not sure about the investment
  • Not enough knowledge or experience to implement
  • Not sure how or where to start

Steps to go from manual to automation testing

Step 1: Build a good test case foundation

  • Why create a good test case foundation? Good manual test cases are blueprints for what you will and will not be able to - automate. Explore automation framework options
  • Aim for goodness, not perfection
  • Test cases will evolve and change as you dig in deeper and learn more
  • Pick a tool to store and organize your manual test case. This can be as simple as you need
  • Common test case storage options:

Option 1: Documentation only examples

  • Excel sheet (Microsoft, google docs)
  • Wiki page

Option 2: Software tool examples

Manual test case organization considerations:

  • The option should include tracking which tests can/should be automated and what has been automated.
  • Are you planning on storing test results and/or test plans with your manual test cases?
  • Create a wish list (need to have versus nice to have)

Tips: you can start simple and then import your list into a more complex tool if needed or wanted

Step 2: Explore automation framework options

  • By framework, I mean what your tests are coded in that will run the actual tests. For example, the framework is what will actually send the test to the Selenium Server.
  • What if you don't know what framework are available? If you don't know, ask resources around you including: Developing team members, QA folks in professional organizations, QA/ Tech mailing lists or Forums, Slack groups, Twitter experts
  • Narrow down your list to about three options and create a matrix that compares each option. This could include building your own.

Framework options and examples:

  • If you are using Selenium, you have some great options: Java, Robot, Python, Ruby, Cucumber (and many more). This can be hosted or self-managed.
  • Many Selenium hosting providers give you "wizards" that will help you set up the framework environments that will work with the solution.

Step 3:  Explore infrastructure options

What hardware is needed?

  • Servers: physical, self-managed virtual machines, cloud hosted
  • How will the hardware be installed? maintained?
  • Backup strategy What software is needed?
  • Buy versus Build versus Hosted
  • Versioning strategy for the manual and automated test cases Will the automated test cases exist in the same repository as the project code?

Step 4: Make the first choice:

  • After you have proved to yourself that your approach will work, time to get the team to buy in on your solution What is the quickest way to get to Proof of Concept (POC)?
  • Develop a good plan and get moving: The plan should include a REAL DATE for a POC. Many times you can take advantage of trial membership for some testing products and tools. If you need the trial extended to reach out to the company and just ask.
  • Have at least one backup plan in case the first choice does not work out.

Step 5: Start simple

  • What is the simplest way to implement your framework approach using your actual product? Selenium example: Can you use Selenium IDE scripts to confirm assumptions about product test-ability?

Step 6: Confirm your choice works

  • Go beyond the simple checks you have performed
  • Confirm that your choice will work in your specific environment
  • Many software providers will allow you to sign up for trial accounts so you can take a closer look.

Tips: there is no harm in asking for an extension on a trial account if you needed more time for analysis.

Step 7: POC for team buy-in

  • Proof of Concept (POC) is a chance to share your results, recommendations, and excitement with the large team.
  • Best to show a live demo if possible
  • Have dates and requirements for implementation
  • Helpful to have metrics or other supporting detail to exemplify why automation

Step 8: Implement

My automation implementation:

  1. Git: QA repository containing test cases, test queues, and vagrant/AWS configuration
  2. Jenkins: takes QA git repository and deploys on a Linux system based o config settings
  3. Linux system: launches vagrant/AWS system and executes Robot scripts. Testing bot: robot scripts are executed against the Selenium server(s) and the internal vagrant/AWS system.
  4. Slack: posts test results from the Linux system to the team. This is broken up between pass and failed test results with emojis.

Note: This video is originated from SeleniumConf UK
This article was originally posted at Test Automation Resources.

More resource: Software Test Automation Engineer Salary and Career Overview in 2019

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