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A Many-to-Many Relationship in a Sequelize Model

In my recent project, I encountered the challenge of integrating a many-to-many relationship between users and anime. I decided to create a junction table, which I named "UserAnime," serving as a bridge to connect the data from both the user and anime tables.

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In choosing the file name "UserAnime," I aimed for simplicity and clarity, wanting it to reflect the nature of its purpose—to join user and anime data together. This is something a lot of developers do, and it helps not only make the file easier to identify but also helps maintain a coherent project structure.

Once the junction table was established, I focused on establishing the many-to-many relationship between users and anime. This involved configuring Sequelize's association methods; in this case, I used the belongsToMany function in my index file. By defining this association, I was able to link a user to multiple animes and an anime to multiple users.

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