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Mangai Ram
Mangai Ram

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Part :5 - My Automation Interview Questions in one of leading MNC

How do you handle synchronization issues in Selenium?


Synchronization in Selenium refers to the mechanisms used to handle timing issues that may arise between the automation script and the web application. These issues can lead to elements not being present, visible, or interactable when expected, causing script failures. Selenium provides various techniques to synchronize the script with the web application’s state, ensuring reliable test execution.

Use Case:

In our project, during form submission, there’s a dynamic loading spinner that appears while the submission is in progress. To handle synchronization, I implemented explicit waits to ensure that the spinner disappears before proceeding to the next step in the test.

Code Snippet:
// Assume the dynamic loading spinner has an ID "loadingSpinner"
// Wait for the spinner to be invisible before proceeding
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
// Proceed to the next step in the test

The above uses an explicit wait with ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated to wait until the loading spinner becomes invisible before interacting with the next element.


An exception that might occur is a _SQLException _if there is an issue with the database query execution or if the database is unreachable. Proper exception handling and logging are crucial to capture and address such issues.


One challenge was determining the optimal wait time for dynamic elements, considering variations in application responsiveness. To address this, I collaborated with the development team to understand the expected loading times and adjusted wait times accordingly. Another challenge was handling scenarios where elements appeared or disappeared abruptly, leading to flaky tests. To overcome this, I implemented dynamic waits with expected conditions tailored to the specific behavior of each element, making the synchronization more robust and adaptive to changes.

In your point of view any add on required means let discuss

To know more selenium Interview questions

these automation interview questions are published in testleaf blog with on behalf of them am sharing with my inputs.

Thank you

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