DEV Community

Shrihari Mohan
Shrihari Mohan

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Utilizing Chat GPT as a Web Developer

πŸ“§ Creating email templates & other boilder plates

In our app we do send a lot of mail notifications to the users and creating a template is hell of a work. Also we can get HTML Email template.

The same can be used to create UI friendly texts all over the web pages

Creating Email Templates

πŸ”‘ Explaning stuff like regexes.

I have used it many times, never really got to sit down and leart properly. I have to do it soon. Often chat gpt shines when explaining something.

Forming Regex

Forming Regex

Explaining Regex

Explaining Regex

πŸ“œ Getting documentation

I always do docs first then stackoverflow which really helps in the learning.

Getting documentation

Peace πŸ•Š

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