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Cover image for Day 11/366

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Day 11/366

🚀 Today's Learning:


  • Insert Node at beginning of Linked List
  • Delete Last Node of Linked List

🌟 Dev

  • Agile Methodologies
  • Git branching

🔍 Some Key Highlights:


Insert Node at beginning of Linked List - Create a new node (say newNode). Make newNode → next point to head. Make head point to newNode (as this is the new head). T.C & S.C → O(1)

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Delete Last Node of Linked List

Move to the second last node and make it null. Also delete the last node (only in C++. In python, Java and JavaScript this need not be done as this is done automatically by garbage collectors). Also check for empty list or just one node. Return null in this case.

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  1. git branch -vv:
    • This command lists all local branches along with extra information.
    • vv stands for "verbose" and "verbose", which provides more detailed information about each branch.
    • Specifically, it shows the name of each branch, the commit it points to, and whether the branch is tracking a remote branch.
  2. git branch -vv -a:
    • This command lists both local and remote branches, along with additional information.
    • a stands for "all", which includes remote branches in addition to local branches.
    • So, this command provides a comprehensive view of all branches in the repository, both local and remote, along with detailed information about each branch, such as the commit it points to and whether it's tracking a remote branch.

#100daysofcode #1percentplusplus #coding #dsa

Top comments (2)

jroycodes profile image
Jonathan R. Mugisha

Good stuff man

vishalmx3 profile image

Thanks man !