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Poetry Of Code
Poetry Of Code

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Completing the Full Stack Bootcamp: A Summer to Remember!

Hey everyone,

I'm excited to share that I've successfully wrapped up a whirlwind 10-week journey with the NYC Tech Talent Pipeline Full Stack Development Bootcamp. This summer has been an incredible ride of growth, challenges, and learning, and I couldn't be more proud of the progress we've made.

A massive shoutout to Sabine Salandy and Farzana Ruzehaji – your guidance and constant encouragement made a world of difference. Dakota Lee Martinez, Ahsan Abbasi, Chadrick Hinds, Nicky Liu, Jorge Vasquez, and Jean Luis Urena – you all are rockstars! Your unwavering support and dedication fueled us through every twist and turn this summer.

And to my fellow TTP peers, you all are a powerhouse of potential. It's been fantastic connecting with so many incredible individuals this summer. Here's to each of you reaching new heights and accomplishing great things in your journeys ahead.

As we each step into the future, armed with newfound skills and connections, let's continue pushing boundaries and making our mark in the tech world. Here's to the exciting adventures that lie ahead!

Stay awesome,

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