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Poetry Of Code
Poetry Of Code

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Database Schema Diagram, API Endpoints, Component Hierarchy, Wireframes

We started the day by creating a vital foundation for the application - the database schema diagram. This diagram laid out all the planned tables, columns, and relationships, providing a visual representation of how the data would be structured within the application, then collaborated to ensure that all necessary components were accounted for in the schema.

Next on the agenda was the creation of a Google sheet outlining the planned API endpoints. These endpoints were essential for communication between the frontend and backend of the application. The sheet listed each endpoint, its corresponding HTTP method, and a brief description of its purpose. Additionally, sample request and response data were included to provide a clear understanding of how the API would function.

Then delved into the frontend development aspect by creating the initial draft of the component hierarchy. This hierarchy was a visual representation of how different components of the application interacted with each other. It outlined the client-side routes and showed the planned top-level components and their nested subcomponents/routes.

With the component hierarchy in place, we moved on to sketching wireframes for the user interface. Wireframes were simple, low-fidelity drawings of the application's layout and design. They helped visualize the placement of elements and the overall user experience.

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