DEV Community

Jesse M. Holmes
Jesse M. Holmes

Posted on

4 Spaces or 2?

Let's pretend we aren't going to argue Tabs vs. Spaces. Is 4 spaces really more legible than 2 spaces? It seems to be the default everywhere I look, and I suspect it has to do with Tab size.

I've always preferred two spaces.

Top comments (41)

avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

I prefer 4 spaces because they take up more screen space, which means that I can fit fewer indentation levels before it starts to feel uncomfortable, so in general it means that I start addressing some potential spaghetti code issues earlier.

(although tabs are better because anybody can configure their editor to show as many or as few spaces as they want to, I had to say it)

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

The argument about "how many spaces" is really an argument in favour of tabs.

It goes beyond how many as well, since the moment you use spaces, you start having people align code with them as well. :/

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

vs code can auto format an entire file to use the number of spaces one desires, and always uses spaces

Thread Thread
avalander profile image

Yeah but at my work we use two spaces, can I configure vscode to display four spaces but actually save the file with two?

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nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

not that I'm aware of. you'd just have to change it before you commit

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mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

Auto-formatting causes trouble with source control. You end up having large patch-sets than desired. It can be hard to locate what was actually changed in a file.

sifatul_rabbi profile image
Sifatul Rabbi

You can use prettier cli to format the files. Install prettier dependency and add this script in package.json of any javascript/typescript projects
"scripts" : {
"format:two": "prettier --tab-width 2 --write \"src//*.ts\" \"test//.ts\",
"format:four": "prettier --tab-width 2 --write \"src/
/.ts\" \"test/*/.ts\"

then run:
$ npm run format:two
$ yarn run format:two

for more info you can checkout prettier official website

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

Fibonacci Indentation or nothing.

kriyeng profile image
David Ibáñez

I'd vote for inverted Fibonacci Identation! 😂

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

That's amazing!

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

We will argue 4 vs 2 spaces until we are blue in the face. God forbid someone to suggest a compromise of 3 spaces, for they will be murdered before they finish their sentence.

3 spaces is the most logical compromise. But because humans are illogical, we'll never see a 3 spaced code file.

avalander profile image

I bet you set the TV volume to odd numbers.

joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

I use the Fibonacci sequence to set my volume.

link2twenty profile image
Andrew Bone

I think you'll find the volume should be changed in increments of 5... 😉

Thread Thread
threedogs1 profile image
Three Dogs

The reason volume is adjusted in increments of 3dB is bc changes less than 3dB are imperceptible to the human ear.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

how dare you suggest we do something that is not a multiple of 2?? /s

devhead profile image

we tried that at a previous gig; made everyone unhappy and uncomfortable. if it's code, IMHO, it's a tab (4 spaces!); if it's markup or documentation or config, two is perfect.

jsbeckr profile image
Jens Becker

3 spaces

const test = () => {
   console.log("three is the best");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
binarypatrick profile image


wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

You rebel.

ozzythegiant profile image
Oziel Perez

This one, officer, right here

goyo profile image
Grzegorz Ziemonski

Tabs, people, use tabs. Then you can choose however many spaces you wish.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes • Edited

I started contributing to a project last night, and after asking this question an issue appeared a few hours ago that is pretty relative to your point!

Tabs are breaking YAML

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

This is unfortunate that YAML chose not to accept tabs. There's no practical reason not to allow it.

nektro profile image
Meghan (she/her)

or use vs code and still be able to pick the number of spaces you want

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

In VSCode there are options like setting the tabs equal to a number of spaces, or you can even have tab insert spaces, I believe.

In other words, I’m not sure what you mean. 😂

avalander profile image

If the line starts with the tab character, I can configure VS Code to show it as either two or four (or any other number) spaces, so the same code can have different indentation space in your machine than in mine.

If I configure VS Code to set two spaces every time I press tab, it is unfortunately not possible for somebody who prefers four spaces indentation to visualise the code that way.

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wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

This is the first time any part of this discussion has made sense to me. 🤩

elanid profile image
Daniel J Dominguez • Edited


I used to prefer 4, but I figured, if I find myself indenting too much, then it should probably be refactored. Sort of learned about this by reading about the Linux style guide.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Am I the only person that Bracket Pair Colorizer just annoys and distracts?
I'm not sure if I should set violent colors or something, but any time I try it it only harms me.
I just have "editor.renderWhitespace": "boundary" and the default indent guides and it seems enough for me.
Ditto for Indenticator and indent-rainbow.
indent-rainbow also doesn't autodetect the tab settings, which are a builtin VSCode thing, why this :v

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

My preference for 4 spaces comes from starting out with Python.

Since starting to use Prettier in VS Code, I've been having issues with the setting being changed to 4 spaces in the interaction with the Rainbow Indent extension, and as such have been moving to using 2 space instead.

I don't think either is "more readable" than the other. When there's a bunch of indent widths, even the rainbow indent/bracket colorizer isn't enough to stop me from needing to use my finger/piece of paper to figure out where the matching curly brace is/should be.

vergeev profile image
Pavel Vergeev

I use 4 for Python code (it's PEP8) and 2 for html/css/js.

jaakidup profile image
Jaaki • Edited

Oh god, that question will break us all.

Golden Ratio, the deeper you go, the more space, as well as above and below.

Until your code turns around on itself, then you're next level...

Does depend on the font though, monospace, bold etc.

curtisfenner profile image
Curtis Fenner

I prefer four because its much easier to quickly scan for what braces match and where blocks end and begin.

Deeply nested code is usually to be avoided, so I don't miss the space is takes up.

bitbrain profile image

I always use 3 spaces!

itr13 profile image
Mikael Klages

I doubt anybody has done actual research on which is more legible, though I assume whatever one is used to will be the most legible to them.

_morgan_adams_ profile image

Either works for me.

It's when I have to open up some C or Java that has mixed spacing that I start spewing profanities.

larsklopstra profile image
Lars Klopstra ⚡

Most often I use 2 spaces, but it really depends on the language. And I auto refactor tabs to spaces ;)