DEV Community

Alex MacArthur
Alex MacArthur

Posted on • Originally published at on

A Plot Proposal for Frozen III

Kristoff, seeking a career more marketable than being an iceman, enrolls in a coding bootcamp in the Southern Isles, where a bitter and vengeful Prince Hans has been forced by his brothers to maintain a legacy Backbone application.

Faking a change of heart, Hans befriends Kristoff, hoping to leverage his connection to Arendelleโ€™s icing industry in order to exact revenge on the kingdom. It works, and Hans convinces Kristoff to hire him to rebuild the ice delivery e-commerce platform.

Hansโ€™ software exploits a performance vulnerability in Chromium browsers (used by the vast majority of the kingdom), causing every machine to get real hot every time a purchase is made.

Soon enough, the kingdomโ€™s climate begins to get dangerously warm, feeding a vicious cycle: ordering more ice causes the kingdom to get warmer, which causes people to order more ice, and so on.

Elsa, Anna, and the gang embark on a mission to convince all of Arendelle to switch to Firefox.

                (This is an article published at [Read it online here](
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