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v1 released: my do's and don'ts for the next

Hi there, I am Preeda. ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Currently working for phoneFit. Recently, the first version has been released on iOS! (Android soon).

It is my second app I built for mobile platforms. And even though I have had got some lessons from building the first one, I still repeated some of the mistakes again.

So, next release just have to be better! ๐Ÿ’ช


My list of do's and don'ts, as to remind myself, is here as follows.

๐Ÿšฉ Mistakes repeated:

  • still spent way too much time (than it should have been) on UI refinements and some performance optimization
  • hesitated on pressing the release button

โ˜€๏ธ Good thing done:

  • did not wait for a big launch / promotion. Just eventually simply launched it.

โœ… Do's:

  • maintain, even improve, the development cycle speed
  • write more, blog more (still very few now)

โœ–๏ธ Don'ts:

  • don't spend too much time on refinements thing. Will try to improve the design specs, establish a standard

Feel like too much attention to details can be bad. It is time consuming. Definitely working on this aspect! ๐Ÿ˜†


In case you wonder what phoneFit is:

It is an app to help you do workouts / fitness with your Phone.


You can find the app and learn more here:

Have a nice day!

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