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Cover image for CSS Art: Earth Day Challenge Submission
Mayank Sahai
Mayank Sahai

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CSS Art: Earth Day Challenge Submission

This is a submission for Frontend Challenge v24.04.17, CSS Art: Earth Day.


You ever look around and think, "Man, we're really messing up this planet"? Yeah, me too. So, when I stumbled upon this Earth Day challenge, I saw it as a chance to do something about it โ€“ in my own little way.

I wanted to create a digital space that reflects the urgency of our environmental crisis. You know, a place where Earth takes center stage, surrounded by reminders of our duty to protect it. And hey, who doesn't love a good metaphor? That's where our friendly janitor comes in โ€“ a symbol of the everyday actions we can take to clean up our act.

Now, I'm no front-end wizard, but I figured, why not give it a shot? After all, sometimes the most meaningful journeys start with a leap of faith, right?

So hereโ€™s to using my creative juices to annotate the issues that matter to remind ourselves of our responsibilities towards Planet Earth and to take action, big or small. Together, we can make a difference. ๐ŸŒโœจ


Here's a simple glimpse of my CSS Art project, created with HTML and CSS. If you'd like to take a closer look, you can find the code on my Github repo -

Image description

To view the final look, Please click here This is only created keeping a large screen size like a desktop or iPad in mind. It will not look good on Mobile screens.

Image description


It all started with a simple idea โ€“ create a digital ode to Earth Day that captures the urgency of our environmental plight. Armed with nothing but HTML and CSS, I dove headfirst into the world of front-end development.

First came the brainstorming session โ€“ how could I translate my vision into code? I decided to start with some humble info banners, little reminders of our planet's fragility. Then, it was time for the main event โ€“ Earth itself. But I didn't want just any static image; I wanted Earth to come alive, to be surrounded by reminders of our responsibility to protect it.

That's when the technical wizardry came into play. I discovered CSS animations and keyframes, allowing me to breathe life into my creation. With a few clever tricks, I made Earth rotate gracefully, while a tiny janitor figure wandered across its surface, cleaning up digital debris along the way.

At first, I thought, "Garbage everywhere! Let's surround Earth with it." But then I remembered, I'm not a frontend whiz. So, instead, I made the garbage fade away magically when the janitor got close. Pretty neat, huh?

Now, the background. I wanted something out of this world, so I went with the stars. But let's be real, I just sprinkled them randomly. I mean, who has time for precise placement?

And the cherry on top? The soundtrack โ€“ Lil Dicky's "Earth" on loop. But hey, it needed a little push from the viewer to start playing. So, I left a note, like a gentle reminder to allow the sound on the browser.

With each line of code, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It may not be perfect, but it's my humble contribution to the cause โ€“ a digital call to action in the fight to protect our planet for future generations.


A nod of appreciation to W3Schools and MDN Web Docs for their helpful CSS documentation. Couldn't have done it without you! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ“š

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