DEV Community

Parth Chawande
Parth Chawande

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Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: Building a Device Mockups Generator Web App

This is a submission for the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge: Visual Feast.

What I Built

I have built a multiple devices mockup generator. It helps users visualise how their image would like on different devices. It also lets you download the end result which is especially useful for marketers to showcase their product easily.
I have used Edgestore to store the images uploaded by the users then I use the Netlify Image CDN to transform and serve images on demand (no build time πŸ˜‰).
Finally users can download the final mockup image and use freely.


You can see the demo here:

Platform Primitives

Using Netlify Image CDN is surprisingly easy, making an request to /.netlify/images with source url of your image and receiving the transformed image feels like magic. It also supports remote urls which is the case in my demo. I also used the transformation options to set the size, fit, format and even the quality.

Image description

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