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Prakirth Govardhanam
Prakirth Govardhanam

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MERN - 150 Days Challenge

About Me

  • Ambitious Software Developer from non-traditional background (Bio-Medical Engineering)
  • Journey officially and purposefully started on March 2023 with Savon Ammattiopisto (Local Vocational College in Finland)
  • Self-learning and self-guiding through experiences πŸ€”
  • I believe I managed to understand and implement :
    • Fundamentals of programming, data-structures and object-oriented programming. Hence, Backend engineering is my favorite part!
    • Databases (relational) using SQL syntax was free-flowing. If possible, I would replace English with SQL to communicate with people πŸ˜†
    • Frontend engineering was smooth but relating components and their functionalities between frontend <--> backend <--> databases was a journey! πŸ›€οΈ

I wish to deduce my understanding of Software Development and start learning in public based on the advice from this wonderful post from Pieces πŸ›«

I am open to suggestions and collaborations along this wonderful journey! 🀝

🦾 The Challenge

The What

Currently I am learning MERN stack from FullStackOpen, an Open University course from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
My progress so far : FullStack-open-core

About the Course

  • Course has 7 core parts and 7 extension parts for learning Full Stack Development.
  • Course is very detailed and gives adequate set of instructions, exercises and material to follow along without any confusion. (sometimes the instructions are so elaborate, that it starts to be confusing! πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«)

Networking πŸ•ΈοΈ I have heard about this course from a peer and thanks to him, I could plan out the curriculum for my Vocational college degree.πŸ•ΈοΈ

The Why

I get to learn the most popular tech-stack and start applying for jobs as soon as I have a static portfolio in both MERN and Django πŸ—½
More importantly, the course has a nice reward if completed as a whole package! Here is my core reason :

The How

My self-study happens full-time, hence I am able to dedicate 6-8 hours/day for 5 days/week. Based on what I know and what I have (time) so far I believe I can complete the entire course including the course project within 150 Days.
To make myself accountable, I will be posting (1 post/week) my progress and key takeaways from what I have learnt.

Interested ? 🀠

  • If you are also new and a beginner from a non-traditional background, I would welcome you to join me in exploring MERN stack or any stack together.
  • Learning together can always be confidence boosting and make the journey less lonelier 😁
  • Let me know in the comments below. We can connect via Discord πŸ“¬


Top comments (5)

francheese9289 profile image

I want to read a little bit more about the program but I am interested! Seems like a good program for someone who has just finished up a bootcamp - do you agree?

I have an MA in Rhetoric and Composition, with which I taught Comp 101 at a few colleges. Otherwise, I've bounced all around from shipping and warehouse logistics to my most recent experience, nearly 5 years as a grants writer and manager for a public school district.

I've lived all over New England in the U.S. and I'm currently in Massachusetts.

prakirth profile image
Prakirth Govardhanam

Sure thing! Take your time. I think that you can manage this course quite smoothly. Based on your bootcamp and your post recently on how you had some issues with Flask forms and how you resolved it as well. Either ways read through Part 0 of the course and see if it is worth it for you.

Your degree sounds really complex for my mind to wrap around, but I got the crux of it. That is amazing! You have such a diverse background! Seriously, wow! πŸ‘πŸΎ

Let me know if you feel ready to join, I will post the discord server link πŸ˜ŠπŸ––πŸΎ

francheese9289 profile image

I will!! Thank you Prakirth! I appreciate the vote of confidence too :)

ajay332 profile image
Ajay Dhillon

i am in

prakirth profile image
Prakirth Govardhanam

Great! Before we connect, could you tell what is your background and where you are from?