DEV Community

Savchenkov Dmitry
Savchenkov Dmitry

Posted on

COVID-19 volunteers project

Excited to share a volunteers platform powered by Twilio SMS and Voice handling services. It was fun taking part in #twiliohackathon πŸ€“

What I built

I build a service for helping people address their issues during quarantine time or in any other cases when help is required by finding volunteers who are ready to help.

Sign up as a user or a volunteer πŸ™‹πŸ»

Choose a role and verify your phone number with an SMS code from Twilio!

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Create a new task ✨

You're not alone! There're people ready to help you just need to ask

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Or offer your help πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ€

You are a rock star! We will immediately inform user vie SMS that you're ready to help.

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Make a phone call directly from the website 🀯

As soon as click "I'm ready" we will put you through with your volunteer.

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Demo Link

There is still plenty of work to do, but I hope you enjoy it
Volunteers project πŸš€

There are some test users if anyone wants to try it

        "phone": "+11111",
        "role": "Volunteer"
        "phone": "+11112",
        "role": "User"
        "phone": "+11113",
        "role": "User"
        "phone": "+11114",
        "role": "Volunteer"
        "phone": "+11115",
        "role": "Volunteer"
        "phone": "+11116",
        "role": "User"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Password is fake-password

Link to Code


How I built it

Thanks Twilio team for supporting this event and providing a great opportunity to play around with their SDK. That was fun.


Backend is built using NestJS with MongoBD and GraphQL.
Frontend is built on NextJS with TypeScript, ApolloClient and Mapbox GL as maps provider.

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