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These 5 AI Tools Will Make You A Superhuman!!

Hello fellow devs, Nomadev is here .

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. AI tools have transformed many aspects of our lives, from how we work to how we stay connected. AI tools can help us navigate tasks more efficiently, stay organized, and even keep us safe. AI has also enabled us to better understand our environment, analyze data for insights, and automate processes for increased efficiency
Here are 5 AI Tools Will Make You Superhuman:

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1. Tome:

Tome is basically an AI-powered presentation Builder, so whether you're creating pitch decks, business presentations, or school projects, Tome will assist you. The great part is that they actually use gpt3 natively and Dall-e natively to help you generate the text and images for the presentation.

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2. Superhuman: is a productivity application that helps busy professionals save time by automating their email and calendar management. It offers a range of features including email tracking, automated follow-ups, calendar scheduling, and predictive insights to help users stay on top of their emails and appointments. Superhuman also provides powerful tools for collaboration, such as shared contact lists and shared notes, to make it easier for teams to stay organized.

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3. ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is an open-source chatbot built on GPT-3, the latest natural language processing technology from OpenAI. ChatGPT is designed to understand natural language and respond to questions, commands, and requests.
It is trained on a large corpus of conversation data and is designed to generate natural-sounding responses to any given conversation. It is a type of generative language model (GPT) that can generate human-like responses to questions and conversations, allowing it to engage in a more natural conversation with a user.

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4. Notion AI:

Notion AI is a platform designed to help organizations automate and optimize their business processes. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to automate mundane tasks, extract meaningful insights, and make predictions and recommendations to optimize operations. It can also be used to automate customer service, marketing, sales, and operations tasks.

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5. Quillbot:

QuillBot is an AI-powered writing assistant designed to help people write better. It uses natural language processing and deep learning to help users improve their writing skills. It can help with grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary. It can also provide personalized writing suggestions and help to find the right words for a certain context. It is available for free and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices. Additionally, QuillBot integrates with other applications such as Google Docs, MS Word, and Slack.

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I'll leave it at that, developers. I'll speak with you again soon and have additional information for you.

Contact me on Twitter for more daily insights

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And if you want to appreciate my work you can buy me a coffee, Your appreciation is my motivation.


Top comments (19)

sip profile image
Dom Sipowicz

Very educational. I like the quillbot option you suggested. It's comparable to WordTune, and I believe it has promise.

To that end, I produced a video showcasing the best 11 AI tools for 2022 .

monimartin22 profile image
Moni Martin

I'd like to introduce you to ChatGPT for Search Engines, an extension addon that is user-friendly and easy to use.
It allows users to compare the correlation between search results from multiple search engines and provides a no-wait AI assistant. ChatGPT for Search Engines is also compatible with various web browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. If you'd like to try it for yourself, the installation link is provided below.

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thenomadevel profile image

Ig i have used such extension before, but yeah thanks for sharing ❀️

xsgxmicha3lx profile image

WOW! Everything will get automate and it is going to make people lazy!

riju_bro profile image

You can use a notepad πŸ“’ to write code, but you use an efficient IDE, does it mean you are lazy? If you save time, you can use it to think and do more. I don't mean any hate. Thanks

thenomadevel profile image


xsgxmicha3lx profile image

Thanks for putting your idea here. but yes your right!

thenomadevel profile image

I believe that there are two types of people: those who experience struggle in their lives and those who create struggle in their own lives and fancyΒ working hard. In other words, if technology gives you an advantage, look ahead from that point. Try not to always start from scratch like millennials.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

These tools are amazing I'm using ChatGPT and QuillBot daily! And I have been using Notion AI since December its so good for content creation ideas.

lotfijb profile image
Lotfi Jebali

Didn't know about some of these, I will definitely try it
Thanks for sharing

thenomadevel profile image

Always welcome, follow me on twitter to get to know about more useful content

dhruvjoshi9 profile image
Dhruv Joshi

Super helpful!

thenomadevel profile image

I'm glad you like it; follow me on Twitter for more daily postings.

duegreg profile image
Gergo Miklos • Edited

My favorite one: Text2SQL.AI ...It is free and generates SQL queries from text for me on daily basis

garymikolo profile image
Gregolo πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸ’»
ghazidev profile image
Ghazi Zabalawi
print("Hello world")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
william897 profile image

Zomani AI is hands down the best content writer out there! Its capabilities make me feel superhuman in crafting content. The precision, creativity, and time-saving features are unmatched. Zomani AI - my secret weapon for content excellence!

alessioferrine profile image

Many thanks. I'm always excited to learn about new tools that make life easier.

thenomadevel profile image

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in learning about new tools that make life easier! Be sure to follow me on Twitter @thenomadevel for updates on new tools and resources for remote work. I'm always sharing tips and insights that can help make working remotely more efficient and productive.