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Visakh Vijayan
Visakh Vijayan

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Why you need a boiler plate

We all have the startup bug inside of us where we think we have a great idea in a split second and then we lose it all together the next.

Well since we are programmers, it always feels to have a project ready so that we can jump right in to start developing our idea.

This is less of a post and more of a trick to save time. Just create a boiler plate with the required folder structure and file names and packages you are damn sure gonna use in your next project. You can host this on github or somewhere else and have branches and other merging strategies ready too.

So next time all you have to do is clone the project and you are on your way.

P.S. This also helps when you feel the idea is not going to work since you did not spend too much time tryng to setup your project.

Here is a sample of an app project which I use frequently.

I promise to keep adding to it so that I have to spend the least time setting it up next time.

If you are like me and like to use a project management SaaS to track progress you can have a look at this Trello template -

Happy coding !!!

Top comments (2)

marlonvaremez profile image
Marlon Varemez

With a boilerplate, you're not reinventing the wheel. It sets up the structure, libraries, and configurations you commonly use, so you can dive straight into the fun part: building your app or website.

nerluna profile image
NerLuna • Edited

Having a boiler plate is like having a safety net for your home's heating system. It's all about preparedness, right? I remember when our boiler decided to act up during a chilly spell in Surrey. Having a reliable boiler plate in place would've saved us a lot of stress! Thankfully, we found a stellar team for boiler repair Surrey who got us back on track in no time.