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Adeola Fadeyi
Adeola Fadeyi

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Major differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0


If there's a web 2.0 and web 3.0, then there's got to be a web 1.0 too, right?πŸ€”
Well, yes - there used to be web 1.0.

What is Web 1.0?

Back forward to the early 90's and 20's, the internet was just at it's inception and it was called the ARPANET. The military service used it to send encrypted messages over to each other during the cold war.
It later thrived and users consumed static web pages content without participation. It is popularly called "read-only web". The users were mostly readers.
Web applications like Yahoo and Netscape browser were at the center of this new ecosystem.

Fast forward to the 20's and now is the dawn of web 2.0.

What is web 2.0?

web2 applications image

This refers to the advent of web applications that allows users to contribute to a website's content.
Users can interact with a page by liking a content or post, posting a review or tweet and by even creating an account.
It is popularly referred to the "read-write web". This came as a major upgrade to the "web 1.0" static contents, and provides dynamic content based on data collected from the users.

So in essence, the Facebook feed of a user is going to be a little or totally different from that of another user based on the data collected from the preferences of each user.
Web applications in this internet ecosystem includes;
Social media apps like Instagram, Twitter, amongst others.
And blogging platforms like WordPress, Drupal.

The client side of this apps is run on powerful technologies like Ajax and JavaScript frameworks.
While the server side is run on powerful software applications like Python, Perl, PHP, Nodejs amongst others.

It is also worthy to note that some critics claim that web 2.0 doesn't represent a new version of the world wide web, but merely continues to use so called "web 1.0" technologies and concepts, while adding a few features.

And now, Web3.0!.
Why is there even a need for the next web?
Why an upgrade?

What is Web 3.0?

web3 image

This is the era of Internet applications run on distributed and decentralized networks, most common being the blockchain.

What does this even mean?πŸ₯΅

It only means that instead of data stored on a centralized server i.e the servers provided by these companies, it will be scattered across a computer networks - this in turn limits the power of these companies. Here, the users collectively operate the blockchain, making each user a boss.

Blockchain image

The applications taking this internet ecosystem by storm includes the Bitcoin blockchain, the Ethereum blockchain amongst others.

In this type of Internet, the users simply creates a single personalized account, thereby creating a public record on the blockchain for every transaction.

Key differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

  • Web 2.0 is built using software applications like JavaScript frameworks and PHP amongst others for the client side and server side respectively while Web 3.0 is built using smart contracts - this enables the automation of token based transactions.

  • Web 2.0 operates on the concept of centralized system while Web 3.0 operates on distributed and decentralized system/ledgers.

  • Web 2.0 doesn't afford the users control over their data as a result of the centralized servers while Web 3.0 gives user the full control over their data.

For educational and engaging Blockchain content, visit;,,

Thank you for reading!!πŸ€—

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