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Access any HTML DOM Element, easier than ever


Say, if you are developing the web application in JavaScript

You need to manipulate the HTML DOM to add event listener or actions or anything by mapping the HTML DOM to JavaScript variables

if below is the HTML

<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Name">
<input type="email" id="email" placeholder="EMail">
<input type="number" id="mobile_number" placeholder="Mobile Number">
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you need to map those HTML DOM to JavaScript variable to access

var name = document.getElementById("name");
var email = document.getElementById("email");
var mobileNumber = document.getElementById("mobile_number");
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then you can get the values or attach event or whatever you want to manipulate the HTML DOM

πŸ€” What if the library does this for you?

Say Hi, to EnFields

EnFields does the process for you

😲 How?

It is very simple. Include the library in you webpage

<script src=""></script>
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πŸŽ‰ Ta-da!


<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Name">

DOM will map to variable

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How cool, right?

βš™οΈ Naming Convention( What will be the name of the variable? )

The name given to the id that is

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, the "name" is taken, appending with preceding underscore, so, the

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is the variable generated, which will be added to window object. So, directly using

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will refer to that HTML DOM

πŸ”§ EnFields parameters

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accepts the object of below type,

  1. queryElement : is the value, where the variable generation process starts, if not provided then, all id element from the HTML DOM will be generated


  <form id="user-form">......</form>
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    queryElement: 'user-form'

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The variable, will be generated for all the HTML DOM element containing id attribute, in user-form HTML DOM, including user-form tag

  1. targetObject : is used to assign the generated variable to the provided target object, instead of window object


  var UserForm = {};

    targetObject: UserForm

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The variables will be generated and will be stored to UserForm object instead of window object

  1. idList : list of id names in array, if passed, variables will be generated only for the ids, contained in this array


    idList: ['name', 'email']

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The variable will be generated only for name and email HTML DOM

However, one can use all the three keys to make more flexible


  targetObject: UserForm,
  queryElement: 'user-form',
  idList: ['name', 'email']

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Top comments (2)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Nice idea. Does it play nicely with jQuery or any of the major frameworks?

aj1thkr1sh profile image

Nice idea

Does it play nicely with jQuery or any of the major frameworks?
Yes, if you can include the EnFields

<script src=""></script>

in your page, you can use along with any other library

Thanks for the comment. All the best