DEV Community

Brittany Figueroa
Brittany Figueroa

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Day 1 of Coding Bootcamp

Currently a grade 2 teacher learning to code for a change in my career. As a teacher working in a paperless school, I ave never looked at the backend/behind the senses development of web design, but recently became extremely interested in it. So, here I am, 26 years old, beginning my journey with Columbia University.

Week 1: The Beginning
This week I learned about basic coding concepts and terminology. I also learned about User Stories and Acceptance Criteria. When building a website it is important to always keep in mind your reason for construction, Who you are building it for, What you are building it for, and the Why.
I also have begun following two coding moguls, Jem Young (engineering leader for Netflix) and Rachel Nabors (Web animations expert).
In module 2 of my pre-work, I was given the assignment to create this account and choose a blog to read and post about. While clicking away I am across a heading that immediately grasped my attention, "Visualize your colors and fonts on a real site". In this article I learned that you should use primary and secondary colors on your website. The primary colors are used for main CTA's and sections while secondary colors are used for less important buttons and information cards.
I also read blog called "Growth Mindset for Life". In this blog I learned about the importance of being someone who is easy to be taught. Having a growth mindset means you are open to constructive criticism and challenges. Having this mindset will help you grow in all aspects in life. A fixed mindset will keep you stagnant.

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