DEV Community

Charbel Sarkis
Charbel Sarkis

Posted on

Linux issues

Problem: Can't lower / raise volume and brightness
Solution: get xbindkeys for volume and then get xbacklight for brightness, then finally add your user to the video group

Problem: can't read hard disk or any ntfs device.
Solution: Get ntfs-3g

Problem: no nm-applet
Solution: use nmcli d w to list devices
then nmcli d w connect SSID password

Problem: display volume in dwmblocks status bar.
Solution: this is the command for it on pulseaudio
pactl list sinks | grep '^[[:space:]]Volume:' | \
head -n $(( $SINK + 1 )) | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's,.* \([0-9][0-9]*\)%.*,\1,'

This uses multiple sinks and chooses only one of them. I got it from askubuntu or something

Top comments (4)

thefern profile image
Fernando B πŸš€

I got 99 linux problems, but drivers ain't one lol.

charbelsako profile image
Charbel Sarkis

Lol. Do you wanna add yours?

thefern profile image
Fernando B πŸš€

Mainly kidding lol, but that's the beauty of linux you gotta get your hands dirty and fix issues yourself sometimes. I don't have much problem these days I'm on Kubuntu btw.

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charbelsako profile image
Charbel Sarkis

left kubuntu a long time ago now i use dwm, you should check it out