DEV Community

Clayton Malarkey
Clayton Malarkey

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a list of things to do

Week 1: Learning and Research

Attend the first day of the boot camp.
Review the boot camp syllabus and schedule.
Set up a dedicated workspace for studying.
Complete the first week's reading assignments.
Attend all online lectures and workshops.
Take detailed notes during lectures.
Join relevant online forums or communities for additional support.
Start researching existing deindoctrination apps and their features.
Begin brainstorming unique features for your app.
Create a list of potential interviewees for your app's content.
Week 2: Front-End Development

Review HTML and CSS basics.
Create a simple HTML/CSS webpage as a practice project.
Attend front-end development lectures.
Learn about responsive web design.
Start building the user interface (UI) for your app.
Experiment with different UI design concepts.
Seek feedback on your UI design from peers or mentors.
Begin drafting wireframes for your app's pages.
Continue attending boot camp sessions and completing assignments.
Schedule a weekly check-in with a mentor for guidance.
Week 3: Back-End Development

Dive into back-end development lectures.
Learn about databases and data modeling.
Choose a database system for your app (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB).
Set up the back-end server environment.
Create a database schema for your app.
Implement user authentication and authorization.
Start building API endpoints for your app.
Begin integrating the front-end and back-end components.
Test API endpoints using Postman or a similar tool.
Continue attending boot camp sessions and completing assignments.
Week 4: Testing and Deployment

Explore testing methodologies (e.g., unit testing, integration testing).
Write unit tests for critical app components.
Perform integration testing to ensure smooth data flow.
Debug and fix any issues identified during testing.
Optimize your app's performance and security.
Set up a version control system (e.g., Git) for your project.
Create a GitHub repository for your app.
Push your code to the GitHub repository.
Deploy your app to a development or staging server.
Document the deployment process and configurations.
Week 5: Content Development

Review the content plan for your deindoctrination app.
Conduct interviews with potential interviewees.
Transcribe and organize interview content.
Start scripting or outlining content for your app.
Create any necessary visual assets or multimedia elements.
Begin recording or editing audio/video content.
Develop written content for your app's articles or resources.
Seek feedback on your content from trusted sources.
Continue refining and expanding your app's content.
Ensure all content aligns with your app's mission and values.
Week 6: User Testing and Feedback

Recruit beta testers for your app.
Develop a user testing plan and test cases.
Conduct user testing sessions and gather feedback.
Analyze user feedback and prioritize improvements.
Make necessary adjustments to your app based on feedback.
Perform regression testing to verify changes.
Continue iterating and improving your app.
Develop a marketing and launch plan for your app.
Create promotional materials (e.g., website, social media).
Prepare for the app's public launch.
Week 7: Final Preparations and Launch

Conduct a final round of testing and quality assurance.
Set up error tracking and monitoring tools.
Create user documentation and help resources.
Configure your app's domain and hosting settings.
Ensure all legal and privacy requirements are met.
Prepare a press release or announcement for the launch.
Coordinate with any interviewees for promotion.
Set a launch date and time.
Notify beta testers and early supporters about the launch.
Monitor the app for any issues after the launch.
Week 8: Post-Launch and Marketing

Monitor user engagement and feedback post-launch.
Address any critical issues promptly.
Continue marketing and promoting your app.
Engage with users on social media and in-app.
Explore partnerships or collaborations for growth.
Collect user reviews and testimonials.
Analyze user data to improve app features.
Consider adding new features based on user demand.
Evaluate the app's impact on its mission.
Begin planning for future updates and enhancements.

Attend remaining boot camp sessions and complete coursework.
Continue learning and staying updated on industry trends.
Schedule regular backups and maintenance for your app.
Monitor server performance and scalability.
Address any security vulnerabilities promptly.
Engage with the deindoctrination community and gather feedback.
Seek funding or grants to support app development.
Explore options for monetizing the app if necessary.
Expand your network within the tech and deindoctrination fields.
Celebrate milestones and achievements along the way.

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