DEV Community

Conor Meagher
Conor Meagher

Posted on • Originally published at on

Polywork is Dead to Me

Going forward, Polywork will enable professionals to express all the things they do through a personal website builder of sorts.

After reading that blog post[1], I was gutted. Yet-Another-Personal-Website-Builder (YAPWB) should be the name. Now that I'm removing my Polywork references throughout this website, I wanted to write this post to selfishly cope. Thanks for reading.

Polywork v1 was a great place to microblog your projects, accomplishments, awards, wins, cheers, or whatever you wanted. But what made it special was the social aspect of linking others to the same items and building a network of relationships behind those items. Even without it, it was a great portfolio timeline that was live on the internet and linkable. There might have been a website that I built as a side project that didn't need to be listed on my personal site and resume, so this was a great place for it to live instead. You could always link to it later if you needed to show it for a job or for inspiration.

Original Polywork post layout
Original Polywork post layout via

I shilled for it. Posting it everywhere that had my personal brand attached to it. I told all my friends and colleagues to sign up and add me as a friend. I even went through the manual process of getting verified through a scheduled Zoom call when being verified actually meant something.

Now I have this...

New Polywork timeline
New Polywork timeline via

That's why Polywork is dead to me. Maybe not to you, which is totally fine, and I hope it can succeed as a product because it has a great team and some pretty nice portfolio templates to use. But back to LinkedIn I go.

  1. "A letter from our CEO: Changes to Polywork". Retrieved September 8, 2023. ↩︎

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