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Deepak Vijay Agrawal
Deepak Vijay Agrawal

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Fix Mongo db Compass 'Initializing' screen error

👨‍💻 Finally Fixed

Namaste everyone !

While installing a new software 80% percent chances are that your software will run perfectly fine,
but sometimes due to improper installation, the software does not work properly and finding the issue and then solution for it is quite time consuming also sometimes hard to find the solution

While installing MongoDB Compass on your machine many of you must have been stuck on your INITIALIZING COMPASS / ACTIVATING PLUGINS screen and unable to fix it.

I came across the same issue and was unable to find a way to fix it,
In the developers tools in compass there was an error message shown

Error: Command failed: powershell (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem).caption
'powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This occurs most probably because of Windows failing to add the MongoDB path so we have to do that manually.

This error can be resolved easily by just adding

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

in your path of user variables in Environment variables

Just follow the steps :

  • Copy (above path)
  • goto Advance system settings
  • select Advanced
  • select Environmental Variables
  • select Path (User variables)
  • Edit
  • New
  • Paste and OK.

Reopen you Mongodb Compass

And Viola it's resolved 🚀💯

Top comments (2)

saif5017 profile image

you are a good man thank you!

debugagrawal profile image
Deepak Vijay Agrawal

Your Welcome,
I'm glad it helped you 😊