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Ayush Poddar
Ayush Poddar

Posted on • Originally published at

Object shapes - how this under-the-hood change in Ruby 3.2.0 will improve your code performance

This article was originally posted on my blog.

There is an almost non-descript bullet point in the Ruby 3.2.0 changelog which states:

YJIT is now optimized to take advantage of object shapes. [Feature #18776]

Before discussing what object shapes are and how they boost your code performance, let’s look at how things have been before this release. This will help you understand the problem it is trying to solve.

Pre-ruby 3.2.0

How does Ruby store an object’s instance variables?

Every plain ruby object is assigned 40 bytes of space(on a 64-bit machine). The in-memory layout of an embedded ruby object looks like:

Byte index Value
0 Flags (64-bit bitmap)
8 Pointer to class
16 First instance variable (IV) IV array → Index: 0
24 Second instance variable (IV) IV array → Index: 1
32 Third instance variable (IV) IV array → Index: 2

As you can see, the values of instance variables (IVs)1 of an object are stored inside the object’s memory space itself2. The bytes where the instance variables are stored collectively form an array called the instance variable array, or IV array.

As an example, consider the following class:

class Person
  attr_accessor :name, :age, :country

demo_guy =
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This is how the memory layout of demo_guy will look like:

Byte index Value
0 Flags (64-bit bitmap)
8 Pointer to class (Person)
16 Qundef (undefined) IV array → Index: 0
24 Qundef (undefined) IV array → Index: 1
32 Qundef (undefind) IV array → Index: 2

The array indices map to the instance variable names using a hash table called IV index table. This table is specific to the class (Person in this case) of the object, not the object.

So, when setting the name attribute (@name) on this object, the interpreter first queries the IV index table to get the IV array index for @name. If the index is not present, the next available index is assigned to @name. After running this command, = "Alice"
demo_guy.instance_variable_set(:@name, "Alice")
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The IV index table looks like:

Instance variable name Index
@name 0

And the IV array looks like this:

IV array index Value
0 "Alice"
1 Qundef (undefined)
2 Qundef (undefind)

This is how the IV index table and IV array change after setting of each instance variable:

Transition of IV index table and IV array as instance variables get set

As you can guess, all objects of a class share the same IV index table. A new Person object can use the index values already created in the IV index table.

Hash lookups are slow; Inline caches to the rescue

This hash lookup is considered slow when instance variables are constantly set and read, which is common in a typical Ruby codebase. So, the ruby interpreter (YARV) creates inline caches3 to store the array indices within the getter and setter byte code.

For example, after setting @name the array index 0 is cached inline within the setter method. The pseudo-code for this would be:

def name=(value)
  cached_index = cache.index(:@name)
  iv_array[cached_index] = value
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When the index is fetched for the first time, the inline cache is empty. It references the IV index table to get the index and update the inline cache.

This inline cache uses the class of the object as its cache key4. This ensures that the cache is used only if the class of the object and the class in the cache key match. The above code will be updated into this (pseudo-code):

def name=(value)
  if == cache.key # cache.key = Person
    index = cache.index(:@name)
    index = lookup_index_table(:@name) # Lookup the index from IV index table
    # Setting the inline cache with the object's class as cache key
    cache[] = { index: index }
  iv_array[cached_index] = value
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The problem - Dependency of object attributes to class

Consider a new class inheriting from Person:

class Child < Person

kid = = "Bunty"
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The interpreter won’t be able to use the inline cache since the class of the object kid is not Person. It will reference the IV index table of Child class to get the IV index for @name and update the inline cache key to Child.

Next time if @name is referenced on an instance of Person, the interpreter will again miss the cache since the cache key will now be Child. It will again do a lookup on the Person IV index table and update the inline cache key to Person.

You can appreciate the problem even more by reasoning that the code below will never be able use make use of the inline cache5.

loop do
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A typical ruby codebase is full of class inheritances and instances referring to methods defined in their parent classes. The scale of the problem can be easily appreciated.

Object Shapes

As the authors of this feature have repeatedly pointed out in their presentations, they are not the regular geometrical shapes. They are an abstract concept to describe an object. They have a tree data structure.

The shape of an object is defined by its properties (attributes).

ℹ️ Info

To limit the scope of this post, we will assume that only instance variables are responsible in defining an object's attributes.

Implementation of object shapes

There is one global shape tree. The shapes form the nodes of the tree and the instance variables which create those shapes form the edges. There is one root shape which represents a basic object with default properties only.

Using the classes we defined above, consider a new instance of Person:

shapy_person =
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shapy_person does not have any properties explicitly set. So, it will have the root shape. For the sake of simplicity, the shape_id of the root shape will be considered to be 0. Each time an instance variable is set on shapy_person, the object transitions to a new shape. = "Alice" # Transitions to a new shape with ID: 1 via edge @name
shapy_person.age = 20 # Transitions to a new shape with ID: 2 via edge @age
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It transitions to shape with ID: 1 and edge @name when @name is set. Then, it transitions to a shape with ID: 2 and edge @age when @age is set.

Demonstrating object shape transitions

The shapes are independent of the values of the instance variables. So, if the value of @name is changed, the shape still remains the same.

New objects with the same transitions will end up with the same shape. This is independent of the class of the object. This also includes the child classes since they, too, can re-use the shape transitions of the parent class. But, two objects can share the same shape only if the order in which their instance variables are set are the same. This is demonstrated in the code snippet below.

class Car
  attr_accessor :name, :age

my_car = # Shape ID: 0 = "Tesla S" # Shape ID: 1
my_car.age = 1 # Shape ID: 2
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Consider this scenario:

ceo_guy = # Shape ID: 0 = "Elon" # Shape ID: 1 = "South Africa" # Transitions to shape ID: 3 with edge @country
ceo_guy.age = 51 # Transitions to shape ID: 4 with edge @age
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The diagram below shows the transitions involved. Blue represents the shared transitions, green represents transitions for shapy_guy only and orange represents transitions for ceo_guy only.

Demonstrating object shape transitions

As can be seen, the index of the instance variable that represents the incoming edge of a shape is given by IV_count - 1. For example, shape with ID: 1 is created by @name and has IV count: 1. It is the first variable to be set on the root shape. The index of @name in an object which has gone through shape with ID: 1 will be 0 . This pattern continues further down the shape tree giving us the expression: iv_index = iv_count - 1.

How does the current shape of an object provide the index of all instance variables of the object?

Every shape contains information about the edge that created it and its parent shape. So, shape with ID: 4 knows that it has been created by the instance variable @age and its parent shape is shape with ID: 3.

To know the index of any instance variable, we walk up the shape tree and find the shape with an incoming edge represented by the instance variable whose index we need. Then the index is simply 1 less than the IV count of the shape.

For example. if we need the index of @name for ceo_guy, we walk up the shape tree following the edges belonging to ceo_guy and end our search on shape with ID: 1. This gives us the index of @name.

If no shape is found in the shape tree, a new shape is created from the current shape to store the instance variable being set in the object.

Walking up the tree to find the index of an instance variable looks like an even more expensive process as compared to the index table lookup in pre-3.2.0 ruby. But, this cost is amortised when we consider that most objects of a class usually set their instance variables in the same order, which is helped by the interpreter's usage of inline cache similar to pre-3.2.0 ruby.

Inline caching using object shapes

When setting an instance variable, we can check if there is an outgoing edge from the current shape that represents the name of the instance variable. This gives us the ID of the next shape the object should transition into and the index where the value of the instance variable should be stored in the IV array. In contrast to pre-3.2.0 ruby, object shapes make this mechanism independent of the class of the object.

After an instance variable is set for the first time, an inline cache is created in the setter. The shape_ID of the pre-transition shape acts as the cache key of the inline cache. We can also consider this to be the current shape ID of the object. The value of the cache holds the following values:

  1. Shape ID before the transition
  2. Shape ID after the transition
  3. iv_index: Index in the IV array where the value of the instance variable should be stored
# Pseudo-code demonstrating inline cache using object shapes
def name=(name)
  @name = name # cache_key: 0 => current_shape_ID: 0, next_shape_ID: 1, iv_index: 0

def age=(age)
  @age = age # cache_key: 1 => current_shape_ID: 1, next_shape_ID: 2, iv_index: 1

ic_person = = "Kabir" # creates the inline cache
ic_person.age = 56 # creates the inline cache
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After the cache has been created, a new object that tries to set the instance variable will be able to use the defined cache if its shape_id matches the shape_ID of the cache key. For instance:

person2 = # shape_id: 0 = "Alice" # shape_id: 1
person2.age = 40 # shape_id: 2
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Here, person2 will be able to re-use the cache and does not have to refer the shape tree to get the appropriate iv_index.

When trying to read an instance variable, the interpreter looks at the shape tree to get the iv_index for the first time. It, then, creates an inline cache where the cache key is the current shape ID and the cache values are:

  1. Current shape ID
  2. iv_index: Index in the IV array where the value of the instance variable is stored

Continuing from the example of ic_person above:

# Shape ID of ic_person at this point is 2
def age
  @age # cache_key: 2 => current_shape_ID: 2, iv_index: 1

def name
  @name # cache_key: 2 => current_shape_ID: 2, iv_index: 0
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Now, any object that tries to read the instance variables can use the cache as long as its shape_id matches the cache key.

Since objects of child classes can share the same shapes as that of the parent class, this leads to an increase in number of cache hits as compared to pre-3.2.0 ruby’s implementation of IV index table.


Due to the increased number of cache hits, there are significant performance gains for the Ruby interpreter. You should view the benchmark measurements in the ruby issue tracker to appreciate the difference that it makes.

Usage of object shapes also reduces the number of checks that ruby performs every time an instance variable is read or written. Some of those checks include:

  • If the object is frozen
  • If the object has the instance variable you are trying to read

For the sake of brevity, these topics have been left out for another day. For those interested, you can refer to the excellent content listed in the references section. If you only have time for one link, you should watch the 30-minute talk given on the topic by Aaron Patterson.

Authors of this implementation



  1. For the purpose of brevity, we will be interchangeably using instance variable and IV to mean the same entity. 

  2. In case the number of instance variables are more than three, they are stored in a separate memory space and the pointer to that array is stored at the 16th byte. Such an object is called an extended object. Objects which store the instance variables within the object's memory space are called embedded objects

  3. Inline caching in Javascript and the wiki page on Inline caching are excellent resources to learn more about it 

  4. To learn why we use the class name as cache key, I recommend watching this talk from the URL annotated time 

  5. This can be an interesting mental exercise for you to figure out why the given code can never take advantage of the inline cache. 

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