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Fady GA 😎
Fady GA 😎

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The curious case of AWS IAM's policies

Do you know what the first thing you will encounter when you start to get to know AWS? Permissions! β›”

As part of my recently found wisdom that "If I want to learn something, I should teach it", in this article I'll try to write a concise guide about AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management service) and its permissions document AKA policies.

(This piece is based on the official AWS documentation that talks about IAM policies. Consider it as its summary πŸ˜‰)

Table of contents


I'll ask you a question, what's chaotic and big and don't have permissions? ... The Jungle πŸ¦πŸ’πŸ¦’
That's what will your AWS be without permissions! Even worse, it could (and probably would) cost you a fortune or make you lose business (or both)!
AWS has its IAM service in place to manage your account's permissions and saves you from all that! How it does that? By using policies. And because I'm a visual learner, I've made this diagram to show you:


Policies are attached to either an Identity or a Resources with permissions as allow or deny and are evaluate when a principle perform a request. They are JSON documents (except for ACLs) and consist of 6 types that we will discuss next.

Policy Types

As I've mentioned, there are 6 types of IAM policies ranked from the most common to the least common as below:


Identity-based policies

Those are the policies that you attach to an AWS identity (user, group or role). They can be managed or inline (one-to-one relation with an identity).

Resource-based policies

When the policy is attached to a resource like S3, it's call a "Resource-based policy". You must explicity state the principles in this case.

IAM permissions boundaries

Think of those as the guard-rails for your permissions. They set the maximum allowed permissions for an IAM identity but they don't give those permissions.

Service control policies (SCPs)

When you use "Organizations", Those can be applied to the organization member accounts or OUs (Organization Units). They can control the maximum set of permissions (like IAM permissions boundaries) for identities AND resources.

Access control lists (ACLs)

The only non-JSON policy type. Similar to Resource-based policies but that give permissions to principals outside of the current account and can't be used for principals inside the same account.

Session policies

When using the AWS CLI or AWS API, you can set advanced policies to assume a role or a federated user by using session policies.

And this is a summary for all the policy types:

Policy Type Format Applied To Gives permissions? Can be attached to/affect the Root user
Identity-based policies JSON IAM identities Yes No
Resource-based policies JSON Resources Yes Yes
IAM permissions boundaries JSON IAM identities only No No
Service control policies (SCPs) JSON IAM Identities/Resource No Yes (for member accounts)
Access control lists (ACLs) non-JSON Resources Yes Yes (of other accounts)
Session policies JSON IAM Identities Yes No (probably!)

JSON policies structure

The structure of a policy is well explained in the docs. It is comprised of the following: (the pic is straight out of AWS Docs)

Image description

So for the following Resource-based policy, it just state that the root user of AWS account account-id is authorized to call every S3 API on a bucket called "mybucket" and all the objects within.

JSON policy

And this is a summarization of the different fields:

Field Short Description Required Type Values Notes
Version Specify the version of the policy language Yes (probably!) Text "2008-10-17" / "2012-10-17"
Statement Use this main policy element as a container for the following elements Yes JSON Object Varies
Sid Include an optional statement ID No Any Varies
Effect Indicates whether the policy allows or denies access Yes Text "Allow" / "Deny"
Principal The principal which the statement applies to Required in only some circumstances List Varies If you create a resource-based policy, you must indicate the account, user, role, or federated user as the principle.
Action Include a list of actions that the policy allows or denies Yes List Varies Notes
Resource The resource to which the action applies Required in only some circumstances List Varies If you create an IAM permissions policy, you must specify a list of resources to which the actions apply
Condition Specify the circumstances under which the policy grants permission No Special Syntax Varies

Finally, I hope that you find this article useful 😊 and see you in upcoming pieces πŸ‘‹

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