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Never choose a technology only for earning $$ money πŸ€‘, you might choose the wrong thing.

Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry, you will grab the wrong things. Same as technology, never choose a technology only for earning $$ money πŸ€‘, you might choose the wrong thing.

Hey folks, Riyad Hossain here. Today I am going to talk about "how I will choose a technology, particularly a framework".

Well, you know there is something called "trend" and "competition". These two words are completely related to each other. And when a technology comes up to trend it also creates competition. So if you learn a trending technology you must compete with a large number of people, keep it in mind.

I personally, like this trend. But, I politely disagree with just staying with trending technologies. Because I think I should have to be a trend creator.

You might be thinking trending technologies are used by many companies, everyone is talking about it, etc. And If I learn this technology I might earn a good amount. Yeah, that's good, you can. But, you have to compete with a large amount of people.

Let's say you compete with these people and earn a lot of money using this technology. Still, you should have a concern. If this trend stops what will happen?

That's why I always say, you are choosing a trending technology that's good. But, alongside this trending technology you should learn other technologies that solve your problem though they are not trending right now. Also, you should have to be up to date with the tech community and try to adapt to new technologies that come to the market. Just explore them and try to find interesting things that solve your problems. In this way, you will be 1 step faster than other developers.

technologynews #technology #framework #nextjs #vuejs #developers

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