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Fabio Zammit
Fabio Zammit

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4 reasons why to start freelancing πŸ‘‡

One thing leads to another

The first business I had was building computers for friends, this gave me the knowledge and experience to move onto being a freelance software engineer.

I met some great software engineers, that thought me a lot

Not just the tech and how to be a better software engineer but also what it takes to service clients and deliver quality.

Travel & meet clients from all around the world

The older I get the more I realise how it's the experiences that make my life more "rich" and there is nothing better than travelling and meeting new clients.

New opportunities to set-up new businesses

Along the way I met individuals that have expressed interest in setting up a new business and opens new doors for you to experience.

I share more about my story on a podcast I was on recently where we discussed the following topics:

  1. Starting your own freelance business
  2. Remote work
  3. Getting your first client
  4. What does it take to run a software company
  5. Burn out and how to "avoid" it
  6. How we need to do more to inspire future solopreneur

Link in the comments

I hope it inspires you to reach for the skies (cheesy i know, but its true πŸ˜„)

P.s. It's been a while community, keep coding, keep nerding!

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Fabio Zammit