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Microservice architecture

In monolithic architecture, where everything is built together in one codebase. This can be tough to manage specially as the application grows. In microservices architecture, we build the applications into smaller, independent services, each services has a specific job.

Ex: A authentication service is responsible for handling user login. A product service is responsible for storing products.

Why use microservices?

Manageability: Imagine adding a new feature to the giant codebase. You have to rework the entire thing. But with microservices, you just modify the specific service that needs the change, making it much easier to maintain and update.

Scalability: If traffic increased on a specific service. You can easily add more resources to that service independently, without affecting the others.

Faster Development: Different teams can work on different services simultaneously, Which speed up development.

Fault Tolerance: If one service has an issue (bugs!), the others can still function because they're independent. Like having a bad slice on your pizza, you can still enjoy the rest!


Social Media App: Microservices for handling user profiles, feeds, posts, and notifications can be developed and maintained by different teams.

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