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About Javascript from the very basics

JavaScript is a popular programming language used in both browser and server-side applications. Understanding how JavaScript works in both environments is essential for developers looking to write efficient and optimized code. In this blog, we will explore how JavaScript works in browser and Node.js environments.

JavaScript in the Browser
The browser is the most common environment in which JavaScript is used. When a user visits a website, their browser downloads the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files associated with the page. The browser then executes the JavaScript code, which can modify the content of the page, add interactivity, and communicate with the server.
There are two ways to include JavaScript code in a webpage: inline and external. Inline scripts are included directly in the HTML file using the <script> tag. External scripts, on the other hand, are stored in separate files and linked to the HTML file using the <script> tag.
When a browser encounters a <script> tag, it downloads the associated JavaScript file and begins parsing it. During parsing, the browser creates an abstract syntax tree (AST) to represent the code. The AST is then passed to the engine, which compiles the code into machine-readable instructions. The engine then executes the instructions, modifying the Document Object Model (DOM) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as needed.
One of the unique features of JavaScript in the browser is its ability to interact with the DOM. The DOM is a tree-like structure that represents the content and structure of an HTML page. JavaScript can manipulate the DOM by adding or removing elements, changing attributes, and responding to events.

JavaScript in Node.js
Node.js is an environment that allows JavaScript to run outside of the browser, on a server. Node.js provides a range of built-in modules, including a file system module, a networking module, and a module for interacting with the operating system. Node.js uses the V8 engine, the same engine used by the Google Chrome browser, to execute JavaScript code.
One of the key differences between JavaScript in the browser and Node.js is the lack of a DOM in Node.js. Instead, Node.js provides a range of modules for interacting with the file system, networking, and other server-side functionality. This allows developers to build powerful server-side applications using JavaScript.
Another difference between the two environments is the way code is loaded and executed. In the browser, JavaScript files are downloaded and parsed as they are encountered in the HTML file. In Node.js, JavaScript files are loaded using the require() function, which loads the code and any associated dependencies into memory. Once loaded, the code can be executed and any exported functions can be called.

Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript
Both the browser and Node.js environments support asynchronous programming, a programming paradigm that allows code to run concurrently without blocking the main thread. Asynchronous programming is essential for building responsive and scalable applications.
In JavaScript, asynchronous programming is achieved using callbacks, promises, and async/await. Callbacks are functions that are passed as arguments to other functions and are called when the asynchronous operation is complete. Promises provide a cleaner syntax for asynchronous programming, allowing developers to chain multiple asynchronous operations together. Async/await is a more recent addition to JavaScript and provides a cleaner syntax for working with promises.

Threading and Concurrency in JavaScript
JavaScript is a single-threaded language, meaning that only one task can be executed at a time. This can pose challenges when working with time-consuming operations, such as network requests or file I/O. To address this limitation, JavaScript provides a range of concurrency techniques, including web workers and the event loop.

Web workers allow developers to run JavaScript in separate threads, allowing time-consuming operations to be performed without blocking the main thread. Web workers communicate with the main thread using message passing.

The event loop is a core feature of JavaScriptโ€™s runtime environment and is responsible for managing the execution of code. The event loop continuously checks the message queue for new messages and executes them in order, ensuring that the main thread is never blocked.

JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used in both browser and server-side environments. Understanding how JavaScript works in these environments is essential for writing efficient and optimized code. In the browser, JavaScript can interact with the DOM to add interactivity and modify the content of a page. In Node.js, JavaScript can be used to build powerful server-side applications. Asynchronous programming is essential for building responsive and scalable applications, and JavaScript provides a range of techniques for achieving concurrency, including web workers and the event loop. By understanding these concepts, developers can write better JavaScript code and build more powerful applications.
Originally published at medium

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