DEV Community

Jane M
Jane M

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Breaking the cycle of procrastination: A powerful tool to keep you on track

Procrastination can really impact your life negatively. Wasting time can cause missed deadlines, increased stress, reduced quality of the work you do produce, negative financial consequences and missed opportunities amongst other things.

I often found myself opening my laptop to get work done. I would open a new browser tab and then simply get enticed by the icons of my favourites sites like YouTube and Instagram. I would decide to just have a very quick look before getting started with my work. A brief look quickly turned into half an hour, one hour, two hours and pretending I derseved this little break while the stress of the workload started to increase.

I am so glad I found a tool to help me overcome this by completely changing my browsing experience — Wise Dash.

Wise Dash is a browser extension that allows you to transform your browsers new tab into a custom dashboard. You can link and create to do lists, see you upcoming events, have ChatGPT right at your fingertips, link apps like Trello and Jira and so many more. I can customise everything and decide on the features I want to use allowing me to stay on top of my schedule with this perfect little productivity hub.

Wise Dash example dashboard

Increasing your productivity and avoiding procrastination has never been this easy. Highly recommend!

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