DEV Community

Johannes Lichtenberger
Johannes Lichtenberger

Posted on

What was your biggest win this year?

Hi all,

referring to the other popular DEV posts titled "What was your win this week?" I wanted to ask about what - in your opinion - was your biggest win during this (almost) whole year :-)

Kind regards

Top comments (10)

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

I got a new job and waiting to start πŸ₯³

hexangel616 profile image
Emilie Gervais

Congrats for the new job πŸ™‚

hexangel616 profile image
Emilie Gervais

Paid off my student loans. Feeling free for 2020. 😎

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€

That's no small feat congratulations!

okoliechykwuka profile image

I had to source for another skill outside data science, which is becoming a Django full stack web developer.. So this year, I have been able to build different web application for myself and clients.most importantly that has deeply change my belief system.. That there is no limit to what I can achieve

peledzohar profile image
Zohar Peled

Professionally? Well, there are a few, actually:

  1. Finally started my own blog, which is an idea I was playing around with for about a decade

  2. Joined the Dev community

  3. Learned a bunch of new stuff

  4. Published an open source project on GitHub, and published my first public Nuget package for it

babgee profile image
Jeremiah George

My first live app 😌😌

fultonbrowne profile image
Fulton Browne

launched my app as a beta!!!

tekiegirl profile image
Jacqui Read

Being made redundant, as a senior dev, and using that to springboard me into a software architect role, which I love! πŸ’•