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Julio Merisio
Julio Merisio

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English for Brazilians: A Fresh Start

The Journey Begins: Learning English Anew

Imagine hitting the reset button on your English learning journey. Here's a simple roadmap to help you become confident in English with less sweat and more swagger.

The Blueprint to Fluency

  • Progress Check: Ever wonder, "Am I even getting better?" Here's a pro tip: record your English conversations and play them back. It's like keeping a growth chart but for your language skills. Note the new words you've nailed and how smoothly they roll off your tongue.

  • Guided Beginnings: Every hero's journey starts with a guide. Find yours to lay the groundwork. Then, set:

  • Solid Goals: Think concrete, like "Order coffee in English without sweating" level.

  • Regular Hustle: Carve out daily or weekly practice sessions. No excuses.

  • Quick Feedback Loops: Messed up? Great! Learn, tweak, and go again.

  • Speak Up, Mess Up, Level Up: Shyness is your enemy. The world's not waiting to laugh at you; it's waiting to understand you. Stumble through your sentences until they start to flow. Mistakes aren't just okay; they're essential.

Mind Traps to Escape:

Perfectionism? Drop it.
Fear of flubs? Face it.
Worry about judgment? Ignore it.
Scared you won't get it? You will.

Toolkit for Success

Duolingo like apps: Your go-to for the basics.
Anki: Memory's best friend with its spaced repetition superpowers.

Read & Listen:

Check out "Pronounce it Perfectly in English" for leveling up your pronunciation skills

The Road Less Traveled:

Sharpen your speech with Superwhisper.
Turn text into talk with Elevenlabs, improving pronunciation without the pressure.

Wrapping It Up

With these strategies, your English journey won't just be about reaching fluency; it'll be about enjoying the ride, embracing the hiccups, and discovering your voice in a new language.

If you're feeling hesitant to begin, let's talk, I promise you that after 15 minutes of conversation, any lingering doubts about whether this is right for you will vanish.

Got your own tips or need a cheerleader? Drop a comment or hit me up—I'm all ears and here to share the journey.

What's your go-to English learning hack?

Top comments (4)

roger15 profile image
Roger Santos

I have a lot of difficulty speaking and learning English, but I'm managing to improve mainly because I let go of the fear of being judged for speaking incorrectly or for not being perfect in my speech.

juliomerisio profile image
Julio Merisio

This is the way!

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

It's real the fear of speaking a foreign language when learning. But we should remember ourselves that nobody speaks perfectly any language (not even us, we don't speak perfectly our native languages) and everybody has an accent.

beatrizoliveira profile image
Beatriz Oliveira

Great tips \o/ I didn't know about these new tools and they seem to help a lot! I'll use them to help me learn.