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Hourly vs. Fixed-Price. Which is best? πŸ€”

Hi all, πŸ‘‹ I'm just graduate from coding Bootcamp and considering going into freelance in web development, and at the moment I'm researching the rates as a junior dev.

If you are or have been, a freelance web developer, which one is better to start out for the first paid gig? What are the rates usually in the market?πŸ”ŽπŸ’Ό

Would like to hear about your thoughts. Any helps/advices is greatly appreciated!πŸ™

Top comments (6)

3sanket3 profile image
Sanket Patel


which one is better to start out for the first paid gig?

If it's first gig, fixed price will be better to convince client as well as make them feel secure. Surely, it may possible that client may expect more than what you have initially thought. But, try to be clear from the beginning of what you are making. If possible share mockup or examples.

If it's a very first gig, try to give best as you can. Forget few hours of billing if in return you are getting your first happy client. Keep time buffer. If you are less confident on complex feature, right away say I need little research on it. If needed, add few hours on time estimation but don't charge it. Anyway learning of that feature is going be converted in money in future.

May be silly but you can finalize the time duration then just multiply with the hourly rate.

What are the rates usually in the market?

Rates very much dependent on where you and client are from. Because in India many devs work at even $5/hours but that's not suitable for US. So check the devs around you and set by comparing their salary.

Just start the journey, you will going to figure out most of the stuff by yourself with experience.

junlow profile image

Thank you for your details answer! Very appreciated it!

3sanket3 profile image
Sanket Patel

Also, I just came across this.

You may find helpful.

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junlow profile image

Thank you πŸ˜ƒ

gayanhewa profile image
Gayan Hewa

It really depends. I have done both. Sometimes, fixed price is good. And sometimes they can be a drag of the expectations are not set correctly between the client and the contractor.

junlow profile image
jun • Edited

I thinking a fixed price might be better. Shifting the focus away from the time I worked but toward the results I delivered. Thanks so much. I've needed some second thoughts from this for a while, just wonder if hourly based would be more beneficial for beginners!