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Manual Testing.Advantages & Disadvantages of in Manual Testing

Software Testing:

Software testing is the step by step process to check the quality, process and function of these things that works according to the client's expected requirements by writing the test case for each and every scenario by applying the analytical skills.

Software testing types:
Manual testing
Automation testing

1.Manual testing:
Manual testing is a type of software testing where testers evaluate software quality manually without using any automated testing tools.To test a software application to find bugs manually.

Characteristics of Manual Testing
Human Performance:
The product the same easy testing two side.manually tester provide the input finding the bugs and error.
Investigative Testing:
This method is locating problems and evaluating the user experience.
Testers can change the conditions and requirements as they need.
Initial Testing:
The tester starts the testing of the application from the initial stage.
Testing User Interfaces (UI):
Manual testing is a good way to access the application interface. From a user point of view teaster can evaluate the design ,appearance.

Steps in Manual Testing:

Requirement Analysis:
Study the project document.Analyze the requirement from SRS.
Test Plan Creation:
Create a test plan covering all the requirements.
Test Case Creation:
Design the test cases that cover all the requirements
Test Case Execution:
Execute the test cases on the application under test.
Defect Bugs:
Detect the bugs and report to the developers.

Defect Fix and Re-verification:
When bugs are fixed, again execute the test cases to verify the application.

Advantages of Manual Testing:
Fast and accurate visual feedback:
Its finding all the bugs in the software manually.
Less expensive:
It does not need any high-level skill or a specific tool.
No coding is required:
No programming knowledge is required.Its easy to test a software.
Efficient for unplanned changes:
Manual testing is a case of unplanned changes to the application, as it can be easily adopted.

Disadvantages of Manual Testing:
Less reliable:
Manual testing is less reliable
Can not be reused:
There is a need to develop separate test cases for each new software.Not used old test cases for these.
Large human resources required:
Manual testing requires more humans for testing.
Needs experience:
The tester needs to know the application well.Then only check old application conditions.
If the project is large, then the testing process takes too much time.

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