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Mateus Abelli
Mateus Abelli

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File transfer through SSH is easy!

For newcomers, SSH itself might look hard at first and file transferring even more complicated. How to connect to a remote machine to send or copy files from it?

I'm going to show you that it is not as complicated as it looks. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy!

First let's define the appearance of our remote connection for our examples:

  • User: dev
  • Address:

Replace it with your real remote machine connection while following the examples

The interactive way

Let's use the SSH File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP.

With this tool, we connect to our remote machine and use it with a bash-like shell. Let's see how it works:

sftp dev@
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With SFTP we rely on file browsing to either receive or send files, after opening our connection let's explore the remote and local working directories.

Inside the remote we can navigate freely using cd and ls commands. See all available commands with help.

sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/dev

sftp> lpwd
Local working directory: /c/Users/User
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Sending files from πŸ’» local machine to the 🌐 remote machine:

sftp> put # Press Tab

sftp> put myfile2.txt # πŸ‘ˆ Send myfile2.txt to the remote working directory
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Receiving files or folders from 🌐 remote machine to πŸ’» local machine:

sftp> ls

sftp> get file1.txt # πŸ‘ˆ Gets file1.txt to the local working directory

sftp> get -r folder
        # πŸ‘† To get an entire directory
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The non-interactive way

We will be using the Secure Copy Protocol, or SCP.

It's a nice and quick way and all it takes is a ssh-like command with the file paths, a login prompt and there you go!

Sending files from πŸ’» local machine to the 🌐 remote machine:

scp ./file.txt dev@
    # πŸ‘† Your local file path   πŸ‘† Where to place it on the remote
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Receiving files or folders from 🌐 remote machine to πŸ’» local machine:

                                      # πŸ‘‡ Where to place it on the local
scp dev@ ./file.txt
                  # πŸ‘† The remote file path

scp -r dev@ ./folder
  # πŸ‘† To copy an entire directory
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Although this is an easy way for a quick file transfer there are some caveats.

According toΒ OpenSSHΒ developers in April 2019, SCP is outdated, inflexible and not readily fixed; they recommend the use of more modern protocols likeΒ SFTPΒ andΒ rsyncΒ for file transfer.[3]Β As of OpenSSH version 9.0,Β scpΒ client therefore uses SFTP for file transfers by default instead of the legacy SCP/RCP protocol.[4

β€” Wikipedia


As you can see, file transferring through SSH is not that hard. There are a few methods to accomplish it and after you get used to it, it's just like doing a regular connection.

Now you can get that file or send it to your remote box, have fun!

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Top comments (15)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Yeah, I'll use scp for a quick glob or directory, or if rsync isn't installed, but rsync is much better in most cases.

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Hello Ben, I havent studied rsync in depth but it looks like a great option to have the files synced between remote and local host. Thanks for the comment :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Neither of them have to be remote or local, by the way. You can scp or rsync on your local drive from one directory to another just as easily. With rsync though, it gives you the super powers to do things like only copy files that have changed, or to delete files that aren't in the source directory!

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mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

That's awesome, I'm definitely going to check out rsync, those features are super useful! thank you :)

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koas profile image

Also, rsync is the base for the almighty rsnapshot, a great tool to make data backups across servers or between your hard drive and an external drive.

cwprogram profile image
Chris White

Hi Mateus,

I really like how your article was presented. If you're looking for more article ideas, I think something on basic ~/.ssh/config usage would be helpful (and maybe ssh-agent). It would really tie well with the content you have here. Keep up the good work!

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Hey Chris, thank you, that is awesome! I'll take a look at your suggestions with great appreciation :)

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

Great write up Mateus!

I really like the use of emoji pointers to annotate the code and call out specific pieces of the commands.

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Thank you, I'm still looking at yours to get inspiration but I think that with time I'm going to get better at it. It's awesome that you read it, thanks again πŸ‘

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

I appreciate that Mateus! I'm thrilled that you're working at it.

Keep up the great work man!

shubhamsomu profile image
Shubham Upadhay

yeah.. same in my case i use rsync more often to grab files from staging to local server.. and sftp when sending files to third party's server

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi


mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Thank you Kudzai :)

dengzhuhub profile image

what is this

mateusabelli profile image
Mateus Abelli

Hello there, those are ways of transfering files through a ssh connection