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not Michal
not Michal

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Dead simple Role-based access control in supabase

UPDATE: I got featured on Community Highlights!

I shared this post ๐Ÿ‘‡ and it gained more attention than I expected (considering my usual standards ๐Ÿ˜…). Hereโ€™s a breakdown of how everything comes together.

1. Defining Roles

For a more human-friendly approach to referencing roles, you can create a custom enum type:

CREATE TYPE user_role AS ENUM ('spots_moderator', 'admin');
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2. Setting Up the โ€œuser_rolesโ€ Table

The user_roles table allows us to link roles with users. To ensure the security of user_roles, enable Row-Level Security (RLS) and implement the policy:

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To secure user_roles enable RLS (Row-level security) and add following policy auth.uid() = user_id

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This policy grants authenticated users access to read the roles they possess.

Key points:

  • user_id references
  • The role is based on the user_role type (the enum type from step 1.)
  • RLS enables reading of roles owned by the user

3. Implementing Row-Level Security for Role-Specific Access

You can now control access to specific rows within a table, such as spot_proposals in this case, by users with particular roles. This is done by specifying the following RLS condition:

(auth.uid() IN ( SELECT user_roles.user_id
   FROM user_roles
  WHERE (user_roles.role = 'spots_moderator'::user_role)))
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Key points:

  • user_roles has an RLS policy, allowing authenticated users to read their roles
  • The RLS policy on spot_proposals restricts access to specific roles, such as spots_moderator

This setup ensures a straightforward yet effective role-based access control mechanism in Supabase.

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Top comments (1)

devkiran profile image
Kiran Krishnan

This is a good idea.