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The "#90DaysOfProse - Make Writing a Habit" challenge.

Make Writing a Habit. Write for at least 10 minutes a day for the next 90 days. Tweet your progress each day with the #90DaysOfProse hashtag.

As of today, I solemnly announce that I am taking part in the #90DaysOfProse.

These are the rules:

Write for at least 10 minutes a day for the next 90 days. Examples include Blog Posts, Essays, Book Notes, Newsletters, Fiction, Non-Fiction, etc.

That should be doable! 10 minutes. What're 10 minutes a day, right? Wish me luck.

The real challenge for me is probably the selection of topics and my own criticism of my work. I tend not to be satisfied and to be my own biggest critic. But inspiring people like @Francesco Ciulla, for example, inspire me. His 100 Days 100 Videos Challenge is remarkable. What started as an overcoming task for him, resulted in a successful YouTube channel with over 2,600 subscribers and a lot of views.

I want to talk about software engineering (mostly JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, and web dev in general), as well as notable tools, SaaS solutions, productivity, and life hacks, and all sorts of stuff from my list of "best of "s. It's going to be fun, I tell you!

That's exactly why I'm taking on this challenge. I have a few bigger and a few smaller topics in mind. It's not the size of the article that matters, but the depth and the value it brings. I think that's the most important thing I can deliver to you.

So my 10 minutes are up soon, and I'm looking forward to the next 10 minutes tomorrow. Stay tuned and follow me so you don't miss an update. I look forward to any feedback from you.



Top comments (2)

zaynaib profile image
Zaynaib (Ola) Giwa

Looking forward to reading more of your post. When you said, "I tend not to be satisfied and to be my own biggest critic." That hit home for me. It reminded me of this quote a read somewhere. "Perfection gets in the way of progress." So in the words of Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus "Get messy and make some mistakes." As long as you keep making progress things will start to click. Good luck on your 90 day journey.

natterstefan profile image
Stefan Natter πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»


thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it a lot. This supports and boosts me on my journey. The quote fits perfectly and I will print this out, put it on the wall in front of me and remind me of your support.

Haha, yeah. It's about time to get messy and learn from the mistakes. Every mistake offers an opportunity to grow.

Enjoy your day and stay tuned for more content. πŸ‘‹