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Cover image for Baddie's Hackathon
Taylor D Jones
Taylor D Jones

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Baddie's Hackathon

I'm thrilled to dive into my 3rd hackathon adventure, and this time it's all about those Baddie Buildathon vibes! But hey, this isn't your average hackathon – we're on a mission to tackle some serious global issues faced by women, from gender-based violence to fair pay and healthcare access. And guess what? We're pulling out all the stops, delving into the realms of AI, Blockchain, and 5G networks to cook up some seriously innovative solutions.

Teaming up with a crew of awesome women from Texas, Cali, and India, I'm taking on the roles of UX/UI magician and frontend wiz for the next couple of weeks. This week's been all about jazzing up our project with color schemes and whipping up wireframes. And tomorrow, it's full speed ahead with mockups, aiming to have our prototype ready to roll by Tuesday.

I can't wait to see where this wild ride takes us. Let's hack for a change! βœ¨πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

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