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Posted on • Originally published at Medium

First Week Actively Using Social Media and Blogging

On June 13 I started changing my lifestyle. The goal was to be more active on social media and start blogging. Today I will share my experience and my future plans. If this article will be interesting to readers, I will write more this kind of article.

Path of Challenges

Luck of motivation made me wonder, how to stay motivated and not burn out. The motivation was falling because it was really hard to find work. In most cases, after sending my CV I was rejected. For this reason, it was hard to earn experience to pass the interview.

First Week Actively Using Social Media and Blogging
Funny moment, when I had technical questions or tasks it was way easier than answering questions from HR. One of these kinds of questions was — “What color of the sky and why”. The question is not hard, but after I had answered one silly question I was answering another. I was confused because I expected HR questions like: “How do You solve conflicts?”, or” do You like to work in teams, or individually?”, etc. The question is silly because any developer solves the problem, and creates something by using specific technologies. Today I can say it was the worst interview, I ever had. In the other companies, HR was trying to understand if my soft skills match their requirements. Later my friend shared his interview question. It was — “cat or dog?”, my friend was applying to work, that requires web development skills. After having this kind of interviews, I had a lot of demotivation and almost zero confidence until I found my first job on good terms.

I Had a LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn in Lithuania is one of the most useless services, that I have ever seen. I had some tips from CodeAcademy BootCamp for LinkedIn, but it not helped at all. Most people, who had any knowledge of finding work told me, that this service is not effective in Lithuania. What about freelancing? I wanted to learn from professionals to earn more experience.

Reason to Change?

From school, I was not active on social media. I was thinking it is a useless waste of time. It wasn’t until 2022 June 13 that I decided to change my lifestyle. If I would do it earlier I would have had more relationships. In this case, the chances to find a job would be better. Moreover, blogging could not only help me to have more networks but also grow as a professional and improve my English skills.

Social Media

I started using Instagram and Twitter. Started spending more time on LinkedIn than before. The situation on LinkedIn has not changed at all. Instagram for now, is not the best social media for developers to share their minds. Maybe because I do not know enough to use it properly. I was reading about tags and using them in practice. To make a conclusion I will need more time. Twitter is the best for me. Every day I find something interesting and valuable to read. People are very active and friendly. Maybe because this is my first impression and it is positive.

Disclaimer, info is provided by June 23. I was busy, and for this reason, the number of views is 20–50 more than it should be on UX is one of the greatest. It is simple in use and looks familiar to facebook. statistic


I love the Hashnode homepage UI. It shows all, that I need Also, makes it easier to follow upcoming hackathons. Stats are a little bit better than Medium.
Hashnode statistic


Medium is the first platform where I started publishing my first articles. Later I found other platforms and used Medium as my main platform by adding canonical links. In this case, SEO search will be working better, because it solves the content duplication problems. In articles can find — “Originally published at Medium”. Compared to other platforms my articles on Medium have the worst statistics.
Medium statistic

This platform is newer than others. For now, there are no stats for articles. For this reason, I will show notifications, of what I have. This platform looks promising to me. After a year I am sure they will make a lot of great updates for readers and content creators.
Tealfeed statistic

If the situation will not change with Medium, I will leave this platform. By leaving I am planning to make my own blogging website to post exclusive content. In this case, I will improve my SEO skills. Moreover, it will be a great project to talk about in the interview.

For now, Medium is the worst platform for me personally. Tealfeed looks very interesting and promising. That’s why I have big hopes for this platform. Hashnode for me personally has the best UI. has one of the most active readers. Career advice start being active on social media as soon as possible. This will help Your personal and professional growth if use it smartly. Second advice, be prepared for silly questions in interviews, and do not let anyone/anything demotivate You. Third for developers, try to think of interesting long-term projects, that can give You personal and professional growth.

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Top comments (2)

jesushperez profile image
Jesus Perez

Interesting article. What is your main purpose for blogging and doing social media? I know it's for finding a good job, but how do you think blogging and social media will help you get to that goal?

I'm thinking of starting a blogging challenge, 30 small blog posts for 30 days, to learn more about different topics in web development. My goal is also to get a job, but I think writing the blog will help me learn and remember better.

oscarsherelis profile image
Oscar • Edited

With social media, I will have more networks. For example, someone could recommend me to the employer.

About blogging, I am planning to write about technologies like TS, react, etc. In this case, the employer will see that I am really interested in my work. Moreover, I will have a better understanding and more motivation. Because I see that people are interested in my articles. This motivates me. Also, to explain the topic to someone I should first understand the topic.

In short, it has many benefits for my personal and professional growth.