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Scott Molinari for Quasar

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Hack-a-May: Quasar Framework's Community Programming Contest

Rules and Conditions

What is the Quasar Hack-a-May?

Starting on the 1st of May, we'd love to see you build either an awesome Quasar App Extension (AE) or create a unique killer Browser Extension (BEX) with Quasar Framework.

The contest will end on the 31st of May.

What can you win?!

  1. The Winner gets 6 months of Premium Spotify and a 30 Euro Amazon gift card.
  2. Second place gets a 50 Euro Amazon gift card.
  3. Third place gets a 20 Euro Amazon gift card.
  4. Everyone is a winner , because you are giving back to the Quasar community (and thus Quasar) AND you'll have something cool to add to your CV. 😁

What do you need to do to enter?

Submit your idea and link it to a Github repo in our Discord #hack-a-may channel or in this forum thread so we all can watch your special baby grow. You might even get some help too.

The AE or BEX should be something newly developed.

Create a file in your repo which notes the problem being solved/ the challenge and/or the purpose of the AE or BEX. Tell a little interesting story as to why you want to build the AE or BEX (cause obviously it's not for the fantastic prizes, right? 😁). The story and challenge explanation are important, as they are a part of the judging criteria.

Have your great shiny new AE or BEX finished (as in fairly usable) by the 31st of May.

How will the entries be judged?

The select set of the Quasar team members of Razvan, Scott, Jeff and Allan will be the judges. We'll be judging on the merits and weighted according to the percentages shown below.

35% - INNOVATION/ ORIGINALITY: How unique or special is the AE or BEX?
25% - IMPACT: How much will this solution help improve the lives of either users or developers (or both)?
20% ALIGNMENT WITH CHALLENGE: Did the participant clearly identify the problem they are attempting to solve? Is the solution covering the identified challenge?
10% - MOTIVATION: In your, explain what motivated you to create the AE or BEX. We're looking for interesting anecdotal content. πŸ˜‰
10% - QUALITY/ USABILITY: How well does the AE or BEX work? Are there noticeable bugs? Is it sleek in design and intuitive to use?

We'll take approximately a week to look over the entries carefully and give our votes on the criteria above.

Who is eligible to join the Quasar Hack-a-May?

Anyone who who isn’t a Quasar team or Quasar staff member.

So, off you go! Get hacking and we're looking forward with great excitement to see what you all will come up with!

For more Info:

The Quasar Website
More on BEX Mode
More about Quasar App Extensions

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