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SvelteKit UI Libraries

SvelteKit is a refreshing framework and by far the most fun one to work with. My only gripe is that the community is young so it's not as fleshed out as React/Next.js.

With that, the styling/UI libraries are catching up and there's a bunch of cool ones that I've seen. So here's my top 3!

  1. SkeletonUI - This library just works! Integrates seamlessly and offers so much out of the box.

  2. Shadcn - Really nice styling and there's an unofficial port that is pretty good but the quickstart didn't work last time I tried so I just went back to SkeletonUI.

  3. Bits UI - A younger but growing library. Simplifies Melt UI into a more traditional component library.

All in all, you can't go wrong with either but I prefer Skeleton UI. It was what I used to bring my boilerplate to life and with V3 around the corner I can't wait to see how the library grows!

Top comments (2)

jojomondag profile image
Josef Nobach

Ive used Skeleton its really nice I like the Crimson theme : ) also. is quite interesting. Good post thx!

rahulsingh_ca profile image

Glad you liked it!