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Susmita Dey
Susmita Dey

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Blogging As Your Next Income πŸ’°

What is Blogging?

Blogging is something like documenting your learnings in an article.

For example:-

Let's say you're watching a YouTube video based on a certain course.
What you are learning from this video you can write it in a blog and also since it's a YouTube video don't forget to give it as a credit otherwise you might have to face some copyright issues which is not good.

So, Blogging can be your next income.
For example, think like you have written a blog on html like about the html tags you know. There are some useful html tags that people aren't aware of like the details tag or the article tag.
There are quite few of them you can write it as a blog post.
After you have written it as a blog post and if the reader who is reading the blog finds a helpful, then sometimes people sponsor you for the blog being excited and in this way that they want to thank you for the blog post. So, this can be as your next income in this way.

You can write blogs as your part-time work also this helps you in documenting in your learnings and also this increases your documenting skills.

Importance of Writing Blogs

Documentation is the most important part for any software or any technology you want to use.
For example:-

  1. If you go to the official page of Tailwind(Framework of CSS), Then you can see the docs menu in the navbar. If you go to the docs page, then you will see there's so many a documentation which tells you how to use tailwind, how you can make a beautiful web pages
    using tailwind and many more...

  2. If you search for html docs in google, it will open the MDN docs at the very first as a search result option; where you can see how to use html tags and what to do with html tags, how you can make a table, how you can make a form, you can see everything each and everything is
    written there in detail.

So, this reveals that documentation is the most important thing for any software and any technology because documentation helps people to know about that software or the technology they are gonna use.

If you want to get a job at a non-tech site, you can do documentation of a software or a new technology appearing in the market.

So, this can also get you a job. Sounds cool 😎

Note:- Coding is not only for the people who love tech or who love computer science. Coding is for all
and also beside coding if you know how to document your learnings and how to write an article, then it's a bonus point to your resume this will add value to your resume.

Where to write blogs

There are many websites available on the internet. I personally use Hashnode and

You can also use Medium if you want.
These 3 are the most popular blogging sites on the internet where developers or people and tech may
write their articles.

If you want to write non-tech articles, you can also do it. There's no issue in that but if you want
to write only non-tech articles, then I would recommend using blocker you can also use Blogger.


Blogger is by Google and it is one of the most popular blogging site and also if O talk about blogger there you can put ads. Advertisements are offered by companies if they like your articles. Some companies often ask the article owners or the bloggers who use the blogger website to put ads of their company
on their web page i.e., their blogging website.

In that case make sure that when you are putting ads of some company on your blogging site, make sure that the ads are safe. You have to make sure that they are not spam. You might get some good
amount of money by putting the ads of various companies on your blogging site but make sure the viewers who are reaching to your blogs and reading your blogs and finding helpful
and they can see the ads pasted beside your article or down below the article in your blogging site.

Otherwise the readers who are reading your blogs or articles on your website and then clicking on the ads to purchase something and they might be in danger and in this order it can harm your blogging site.

If you want to write blogs on Hashnode, then they will often have a sponsor button otherwise say you can create an account on Buy Me A Coffee website and attach the link here in the Hashnode like-

You can support me by this link

Otherwise you can say like-

Feel free to support me via this link

Or, you can write as - buy me a coffee

So, it's your choice.

Tips to Start Writing Blogs

  1. Choose a particular platform to start writing your first blog
  2. If you're using any copyright content or the content which do not belong to yours completely, then do give a credit.
  3. Document your learning everyday.
  4. Learn to SEO(Search Engine Optimization) in order to rank your blogs or blogging site.
  5. Do side hustle everyday. In this way, you won't miss out of topics.
  6. Do not write blogs which are not useful. > For example:- Think that you've ate something delicious today and you're writing like what you ate today. Don't do that.

I hope you have got a brief idea about what is blogging and how you can document your learnings in an article and how you can use it as your next income or get a order getting a job by writing blogs.

Hope this helps you. Thank you for reading, and let's connect!

Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Also, feel free to support my work.😊

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