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Susmita Dey
Susmita Dey

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Make Your First Contribution To Open Source

Open Source is something awesome. It will make you fall in love with it.

Read the following steps to know more:-

  1. It increases your level of confidence and helps you to connect with people from various countries.

  2. It makes you to learn how to contribute on any project and collaborate together.

  3. It increases your communication skills.

  4. It can also give you a remote job and connect with your clients if you're freelancing as your side hustle.

  5. Open Source is not just about code; it's more than connecting and collaborating with people and working on a project (maybe it's small or big doesn't matter) together; creating issues and pull requests, documenting the README file, etc.

So, I would suggest you to remove your fear and start contributing to Open source repositories on GitHub.
I started my Open Source journey by the inspiration of
@eddiejaoude and joined his amazing #EddieHub Community on GitHub and did my first contribution there.

πŸ’‘Important One:-
This is my GitHub profile link
Do check it out and feel free to contribute to any of my repositories. Start doing your first contribution on GitHub today.

Hope this helps you. Thank you for reading, and let's connect!

Thank you for reading my blog. Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Also, feel free to support my work.😊

Top comments (1)

eddiejaoude profile image
Eddie Jaoude

Awesome! Thank you for the shoutout!!