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Do you know how to use Nuxt.js with Express? Let's explain it.

Last year I was obsessed with the stack below ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  • Could Functions: For Node.js hosting
  • Nuxt.js: For backend and frontend
  • Firebase Hosting: For static files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript and etc)
  • Cloudinary: For media files ( uses this!)

When I first started using Nuxt.js with Cloud Functions, I could not understand how they communicate with each other.

How does Express call Nuxt.js when it receives a request?

So this time, I am going to elaborate on how we can connect Express to Nuxt.js on Cloud Functions.


Integrate Nuxt.js with Express

Point1. Use Nuxt.js as middleware on Express.

You can use Nuxt.js as middleware like this

I didn't have such an idea that I can use Nuxt.js as middleware on another framework.

Separate processing for each path using nuxt.renderRoute()

With nuxt.renderRoute(), you can decide which page component Nuxt.js will use for each path.

For example, the application is
If you wrote the following, if you went to, you would see the Nuxt.js uses pages/top.vue. Easy!!

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  nuxt.renderRoute('/top', { req })
  .then(result => {
  .catch(e => {
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You cam pass the context as a second argument.

If you want to call some API on Express and pass the response to Nuxt.js, you can use req object like below.

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  (async () => {
    // Call an API with axios
    const { data } = await axios.get(''); = data;
    const result = await nuxt.renderRoute('/top', { req });
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You can use that data with Nuxt.js asyncData function.

    {{ apiResult }}

export default {
  asyncData(context) {
    return { apiResult: };
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Explanation of the entire process with diagrams

  1. Client send a request to Firebase Cloud Functions (or any other web servers) and Express receive it.
  2. Express calls nuxt.renderRoute()
  3. Nuxt.js generates HTML and returns it to Express
  4. Express sends the HTML returned by Nuxt.js to the client


Hope it helps!

Thank you for reading!!

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My resume is here.
Please hit me if you can help๐Ÿ™

Thank you!

Top comments (1)

guansunyata profile image

Great post!

I'm curious about it:
How can I run dev server when using Nuxt.js as a middleware on Express? How to make sure nuxt-related bundles would watch file changes?